Vocabulary: Places

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[A/N: New school yr started so I'll be busy.But I still tryna update so stay updated! Key To Korean ranked #85 at RANDOM. Im happy. Hahaha. Love lots~]

Places 장소

집 home

화장실 toilet; restroom

학교 school

미용실 hairdresser’s

도서관 library

이발소 barber’s

서점 bookshop

목욕탕 public bathhouse

회사 office; company

찜질방 public sauna

은행 bank

우체국 post office

식당 restaurant

병원 hospital

시장 market

약국 pharmacy

가게 shop; store

공항 airport

슈퍼(마켓) supermarket

시내 the city (downtown)

마트 mart (a big supermarket)

공원 park

편의점 convenience store

노래방 karaoke room

백화점 department store

PC 방/게임방Internet cafe

쇼핑몰/쇼핑센터shopping mall/centre

클럽/ 나이트night club

커피숍 coffee shop

소개팅 blind date

술집/호프집 bar; pub

미팅 meeting; group date

극장 theatre; cinema

회의 meeting (formal)

영화관 movie cinema

수업 class

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