Counting 'Korean Age'

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[A/N: 1 more day before BLACKPINK'S comebackkkkk.. Who's excited??!!]

In Western culture, you get a year older on your birthday. However, ‘Korean
age’ is counted differently. In Korea, as soon as you are born, you are 1 year
old (this is due to Koreans traditionally taking into account the nine months of
pregnancy). And on the 1st of January of every year, everyone in Korea turns
a year older at the same time. This means that if someone was born on 31
December, he/she will turn 2 years old in Korean age, just one day after they
were born! This is why Korean age will always be older than the Western age.
When people talk about age in Korea, they generally mention their Korean
age, however, when they wish to refer to their western age, they often put the
word 만 in front of their age, e.g. 만 스물한 살. Generally speaking, western
age is often used in more formal situations, e.g. job applications.

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