Suffixes relating to people

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-가 (전문가) ‘professional person’
예술가 artist
사업가 entrepreneur
성악가 vocalist
역사가 historian
작곡가 musical composer
건축가 architect

-객 (손님 ) ‘guest; person’
방문객 visitor
피서객 summer tourist
여행객 tourist
입장객 visitor (to a public place)

-관 (벼슬아치 ) ‘government official’
경찰관 police officer
통역관 interpreter
시험관 examiner
검열관 censor �

-내기 ‘person characterized by/seen as’
풋내기 novice; greenie
시골내기 country bumpkin
신출내기 newcomer, novice
보통내기 ordinary person
NOTE: 보통내기 (= 여간내기) is used in negated sentences only:
보통내기가 아니다. He is no ordinary person.

-돌이 ‘males characterized by/seen as’ [spoken/colloquial]
떡돌이 rice-cake loving boy
곰돌이 teddy bear
공돌이 factory boy
짠돌이 stingy boy

-범 (범인 ) ‘criminal’
살인범 murderer
전과 2 범 second-time offender
유괴범 kidnapper
정치범 political offender

-사 (스승 ) ‘professional; master’
이발사 barber
약제사 pharmacist
마술사 magician
선교사 missionary
요리사 cook; chef
간호사 nurse

-사 (선비 ) ‘scholar; one who is officially qualified as’
비행사 aviator
영양사 nutritionist
회계사 accountant; CPA
투우사 bullfighter

-생 (날 ) ‘student; birth’
초년생 beginner; newbie
90 년생 person born in 1990
유학생 student studying abroad
청강생 auditor
복학생 student who is back in school (after military service)
삼수생 student preparing for college entrance exam for the third time

-수 (손 ) ‘person with a skill or role’
운전수 driver
소방수 fire fighter
일루수 the first baseman
유격수 shortstop

-순이 ‘females characterized by/seen as’ [spoken/colloquial]
똑순이 smart girl
식순이 kitchen maid
짠순이 stingy girl
먹순이 female eating-machine

-아 (아이 ) ‘child; person’
행운아 lucky person
혼혈아 child of mixed blood
사생아 illegitimate child
정신지체아 mentally retarded child �

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