Suffixes relating to address terms

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A variety of suffixes that are attached to terms of address carry implications

about the speaker's relationship to the other person

-: honorific suffix which is attached to proper names or certain titles (하느님

'God,' 부처님 'Buddha,' 부모님 'parents').

-씨 : has multiple uses, which range from impersonal to romantic. When

used improperly, it can offend people.

• Full name plus 씨 (진용주씨) is appropriate for impersonal use (for

instance, in the bank when addressing customers), although it can be

replaced by the more respectful -님 (진용주님).

• Either full name or first name plus 씨 is commonly used among young

colleagues of similar age. It can also be used by an older person to address

a younger person, but not vice versa.

• First name plus 씨 (which is less formal than full name plus 씨) is common

among adults who are fairly close and who are about the same age but

whose friendship began after college. It is also frequently employed by

romantic partners, especially at the beginning of their relationship.

• Family name plus 씨 (김씨) is used for those who hold a menial job

(김씨 아저씨). It is also neutrally used to refer to someone's family name

(한국인 중에는 김씨가 제일 많다 'The Kims are the majority among


-군 / -: used by a senior person to a much younger

male/female (김군, 최양, 연지양).

-아/야: affectionately used for children or between very close friends of similar

age or younger (희진아, 효리야, 자기야).

-(이)여: used in poems, religious prayers, advertisements, etc.

젊은이여 대망을 품으라. Young people, be

남성들이여! Males!

하늘이시여! Father in heaven!

KEY TO KOREAN (키 투 코리얀) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora