Chapter one🦋

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"Kelly! Don't you dare." My mom's annoyed voice rang out.

I chuckled, I had threatened to run away if she makes me go to a new school but she argued that I needed to continue my education and moving wasn't an excuse to be an illiterate. At first I was joking but when she came in last night with the news that I've been enrolled into Graceling High School, I took it serious.
Thump thump thump

"Open this door right now!" I smiled as I could detect anger in her tone. So she's finally taken me seriously, my grin widened. I couldn't help the sound of laughter that left my mouth.

"Kelly! You think this is a joke!"  I closed my eyes and laid on my bed. Nope you're the one who thought I was joking.

"If you don't open this door and get ready for school I'm confiscating your guitar." I looked at my turquoise beauty and sighed,  I'm not ready to loose you yet.  I got up to open the door when my mom's next words stopped me in my tracks.

"That's it!" She hit the door " you're not getting a new phone till I say so."
Oh crap!

"Okay, you should be able to take care of yourself from here,have a pleasant day darling." Mrs Bert said and yes she's the principal. If you're wondering why the Principal had to show me around school don't ask me I don't know as well.

I sighed, the thought of being new all over didn't look appealing.  Oh no, I won't forgive my mom for doing this.  I walked into the class with all eyes on me, I've always hated to be the center of attraction,the teacher made me introduce myself in front of the class and I heard snickers as I was doing so but didn't care who it was from.

"Alright miss Jacob I'm Mr Dick"
The whole class laughed as he introduced himself and I couldn't help but laugh too.

"Dick for short,Dickson's my name. I'm your Math teacher and I hope you have a good time here.I gave assignments ask for the questions solve'em and submit tomorrow, good day class."

Nice, I'm going to get detention soon. I smiled to myself, best way to rile your mother up as pay back except this time it's a valid reason.
I looked around and felt anger because everyone was accustomed whereas I had to struggle. Just great!
I held my pen frustrated that no one was willing to hand me their notes, I humphed guess there are no nice kids here then.

"Hey, you can have my note," I turned in the direction of the voice and saw that the person sat next to me. She had brown eyes and a tiny nose that sat high on her round face, did I mention her brown hair that was in a French braid, damn she is pretty. My eyes did a further sweep and found out that she was lean but not in a way that screamed " I want to be a model so I starve myself."

"Umm are you dense?" the angel said.

Oh, sassy! She's my type. I grinned.

I took the note and inspected it, " What crawled up your ass and died?"

She looked at me and smiled which earned her a scowl from me " I like you!"

"Sorry, I only do boys." I stared at her.

She laughed " I definitely like you."

I chuckled " you're crazy."

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