Chapter five🦋

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Flashback continues😇🌹

"Just leave!"

I felt a sharp pain in my chest, it was like someone was squeezing my heart. It felt so surreal till a tear dropped down my face and the realization hit me. I was crying, why? Because I've never felt this rejected and it's coming from someone I love. I ran out of the room hurt and broken, I ran out of the house, where I was heading I had no idea but I just had to go as far away as possible.

I ran to the beach, it was one place that always made me happy. I was glad I ran with my black tank top and flowery blue short because the sun was hot and I was already sweaty from running. There were a lot of people on the beach, probably working on their tans while some were swimming and others just lazing around in their swim wears and bikinis. I luckily found a tree to shade me from the angry summer sun, and sat down. The sound of water rushing just calmed me and I felt less sad, deciding not to wallow in pain and hurt I watched the people as they carried on their various activities.

One particular family stood out, I think they were having a swim race and their father always won each round. Whenever he won, he always lifted the person he raced against on his head and yelled, it was fun just watching them and I laughed when his son refused to let him carry him on his head.  The most beautiful part was when he raced against his wife, it was clear he wanted her to win but I guess swimming wasn't her thing and when he won, he picked her bridal style and kissed her longingly. I covered my face with my hands leaving a little space for me to peek and I laughed when their children gagged. They retired to eat something and my heart warmed at how beautiful they looked as a family. They were your ideal perfect family and the ache in my heart worsened when he hugged one of his daughters and placed a long kiss on her forehead while she smiled at him. That sight was enough to trigger every emotion I've tried locking up and the gate to my tear glands were open and I cried like I've never cried before.

It was so painful now that the truth was in front of me; I didn't know my dad, I've never shared happy moments with him and I've certainly not seen my mom with my dad, just like this couple. It wasn't the first time I was curious about my dad, if there was anytime I was scolded for asking a question as a child it was when I asked about my dad and why I didn't have siblings. After yelling at me, my mom would come to me later telling me that she loves me too much and so she can't share that with another child, being the naïve child I was, I bought the lie she sold me but I couldn't shake off the feeling that something must be wrong for my dad to never be around for Christmas.

I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes it was almost sunset. My head was pounding, my lips were dry and my throat was patched, it wouldn't take much to know that I was crying.  I groaned as the pain became worse and I reminded myself that no matter what happened I would never cry to this point.

"Hey, are you Okay?"

I was startled, I looked up to see a man with blonde curly hair and electric blue eyes. He looked like he was in his mid twenties and he had this surfer look. He squatted to my level. "Have you been crying? Your eyes are red."

I clutched my knees to myself as he stared at me, "I'm fine."

He arched a brow, "You don't look fine to me."

I shrugged, "Why do you care? You don't even know me."

He smiled and squatted to my level, "I know but that's the more reason I should help you."

I rose my brows, "Why?"

"Because I don't know you. I'd be a bad person if I don't help someone who's in need just because we haven't met before."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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