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Hey guys
I know it's not easy to read an authors note but hey! you can do it.😉 C'mon you can do it, I promise it won't be that long, I just want to say a few things that would be of importance to any one reading this book.gbbh

Firstly, I'm honoured you decided to try out this book. It means a lot and I hope that you enjoy this book.

Next, I didn't really pay much attention to my English teacher 😪 hence there would be lots of misspelt words, punctuation problems😅 and incorrect grammar. In all, there would be mistakes but I do not expect you to dwell on my mistakes. If you can, correct me I'm open to corrections and suggestions.

We're all unique and specially made and so we all have different opinions. I do not expect you to belittle any one because their opinions do not conform with yours, it's not nice.

In all,be nice to other readers, have mercy on me and my English errors and do drop your comments,suggestions and corrections it means a lot.
See! you read everything🤓 I knew you could😉.

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