Chapter six🦋

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Never let opinions split you in two, keep smiling and do what you do.-Jon bellion.

I got out of the car and waved goodbye to my mom. "Be good pumpkin."

I smirked waiting for her to realize that I used her favorite sentence on her. It didn't take long because she laughed pointing a finger at me, "Silly girl. I should be telling you that."

I grinned, "the reverse is the case today. Besides you've been going late for work lately. We wouldn't want your boss scolding you now would we."

She glared at me resulting in a full blown smile from me, "remind me never to tell you anything life threatening."

I laughed, "See you later Mom."

Moments like this make so happy, squabbling with my mom make me feel close to her. I love my mom and I won't trade her for anything in the world, even though I still want to meet my dad I'm satisfied with her.

"Wow such a huge grin, what you up to?" Someone behind me said and I turned to see Arnold giving me a full smile. He was wearing a v-neck t-shirt and dark jeans. A simple outfit but it made him look good and different, or was it just the girly part of my brain reminding me that he's a male and a good looking one at that.

"Nothing, I'm just happy." I shrugged.

He held my wrist and I immediately pulled out of his reach, clearly aware of how his shirt molded his body, he smirked and held my hand."Are you shy love?"

"If you touch me one more time I'm going to knee you."

He chuckled and before I knew it I was backed against the wall with his body so close to mine, what the heck!

"Love" he came closer and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. He's too close and because I've not been this close with a guy my hormones were malfunctioning. "We look good as a couple don't we" he smirked."


"Mmhum, look at how all these people are staring at us."

He moved so I was able to have a glance and color crept to my neck and cheeks as people threw glances at us. I could hear a few people saying things like "Are they together?" She's the new girl right? How long have they been together ?

I wanted to scream at all those people to mind their business and that it's not true, at the same time wring Arnold's neck but I went for the latter.

"What do you think you're doing Arnold?"

His face had a look I couldn't decipher but he quickly masked it with a smirk, "Nothing you don't like."

That statement was enough to trigger my violent side, I kneed him and twisted his hand to his back as I pushed him against the wall. "The next time you say something like that to me, I'm going to seriously injure you."

He groaned to my satisfaction and I left him there. I walked into the class and straightened my gown. The day I decide to wear one I end up in a fight. Well more like teaching someone his boundaries.

I straightened my hair oblivious to the pair of vivid electric blue eyes that were watching me. I was walking to my seat when a voice stopped me, "Who did you beat up this time?" I turned and saw Gecko smiling at me.  No, his real name is not Gecko but when we met at the hospital, the day we visited Arnold's mom, he told me his name is Gecko so that's what I call him.

I rose my brows, "What makes you think I beat someone up."

"I know that look" he left his seat and came closer,  " it's one of those looks you'd give someone that you just finished beating up like it was a waste of your time but you still had to do it. So, who is it this time?"

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