Chapter four🦋

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Come to terms with the fact that sometimes good things fall apart..- Jon bellion.

Mom's late nights were no longer a surprise to me, I've grown accustomed to the fact that I'd have to eat dinner alone on some days. It's either she gets back when I'm asleep and leaves very early in the morning or she doesn't come home at all and I'll only know because Mrs Kyle would be the one to let me. Mrs Kyle is my neighbor and my mom's friend, she's a nice woman with an Adonis for a husband. I remember when he almost kissed my mom last Christmas, it was the most funny sight I've seen in a while and weirdly enough it brought our families closer. I think he mistook our house for his, courtesy of being away for a long time and he landed on our porch. My mom went to get the door when he embraced her in a bear hug telling her how much he missed her and that he couldn't wait to spend more time with her. I stood in the living room wondering what was going on until I recalled Mrs Kyle telling my mom that her husband would be on vacation that week and so she was baking a lot of stuff.

"Umm excuse me sir, I think you're in the wrong house." I said trying to stop him from suffocating my mum.

He looked at me and frowned, then as if a spell was broken he looked around the house and when he realized his mistake, he slowly released my mom who was probably suffering from shock because she didn't say anything. After looking at her twice, he dropped his hands from her shoulders and cleared his throat.
"I'm very sorry Miss, there's been a misunderstanding." He scratched his head. "Please which house is Amberley's?"

"The one next door." I chirped finding this situation funny, especially when he bowed apologizing again and I could see the color tinge on his cheeks.

He shuffled, thanked me, apologized again and left. I almost choked from laughter, it was funny to see such a big man flustered. He was so embarrassed and whenever he came over with his wife it would be an awkward situation but Mrs Kyle didn't see anything wrong. Instead, she made it her job to tease her husband and my mom and I never failed to laugh to my hearts content.

Done reminiscing, I realized that it's Saturday and I'm home alone which sucks because I have no phone and no siblings. I was so bored because I had finished all the episodes of the anime I was watching and I needed to down load more, I was also tired of listening to music because I've had it playing for a long time. Bored, I picked up my laptop and scrolled through my photos, I smiled when I saw a picture of my mom in court. She was defending a rape victim and I'd never been so proud of her when she won the case and the rapist was put in jail. The next picture was-of us on the roller coaster, my mom had screamed her lungs out when we went high and I laughed at her. In the background, there was a woman whom my mom made friends with, she had three kids and it was cute watching them relate with each other. Back then as a kid I've always wanted a sibling, I still do. Someone I could fight with, someone I could be mischievous with and someone I could do naughty things with but I guess I wasn't meant to be happy because none of my wishes ever come true. I've always wished to be loved and to have a real family but I don't think that'd be happening any time soon. I remember when I first found out about my parents, I never saw life the same way again and it made a huge impact on my life. I held my head in my hands as I visited the past and it's demons.


"Mom! For Christ's sake pick your call."

I felt a knock on my head followed by my mother's annoyed voice, "How many times do I have to tell you to mind the way you talk?!"

I held my stinging head and pouted, "Sorry ma, it's just that I'm trying to work on my art and your phone isn't allowing me to concentrate."

She rolled her eyes, "You're still trying to draw that sculpture."

"Yes mom and I need maximum concentration." I folded my arms in a yoga like fashion earning me a snort from her.

After taking a peek at my sketchbook she sighed, "Remind me again why I wasted my money on these art supplies."

"It's not a waste Mom, my art skills are definitely improving."

She looked from me to my sketchbook, "I highly doubt that."

I sighed, "You're so mean Mom."

She laughed and pecked me, she was about to say something when her phone rang again. I gave her a long stare arching one of my brows, "I'll answer it, you don't have to give me that look." I smiled as she took her phone and walked away.

I picked up my pencil and continued. I tried to get the correct shape and contour but I couldn't, I can't count how many times I've drawn that line. Frustrated, I dragged my hair and groaned. Who was I kidding when I said I'd improve in arts, this is a huge nightmare.

I decided to take a break so I went to the kitchen to get something when the smell of freshly baked cookies hit me. I had already picked one to eat when I remembered the consequences that befell me the last time, I huffed and went to ask for permission.

I was almost at the door of her room when I heard yelling, I quickened my steps and got closer. I know eavesdropping is bad butttttt I'm not always a good person so I leaned forward to hear clearly.

"Don't you dare say that to me!" That was definitely my mom, why is her voice shaky?

"If you did you wouldn't have left!" She snarled. Whoever was on the other side of the line must have done something really bad for my mom to be this angry.

I think the other person was saying something because my mom was quiet for a while till she yelled, "Don't bullshit me!"

What is going on?

"Stay away from me, from her, just stay away from my family."
I heard her voice break at that sentence and I was confused.

She screamed, "Ugggghhhhhh, I hate you. I really hate you. I hate you so much." With each word, her voice broke down and I felt scared.

I have never seen my mom display so much emotions before. Just When I thought it was over I heard a crash which was followed by groaning, I wanted to open the door to ask her what's wrong but if I do, she'll know I was eavesdropping. Still contemplating, I heard a whimper followed by a full racking sob and I ran into the room.

Her room was a mess; there were books scattered everywhere, her shoes littered the room and I could see a few broken pieces of glass. I saw her sitting against the wall and I ran to her.
"Mom are you Okay?"

All I got were more loud sobs.

I bent to her level, "Mom please talk to me." I was so anxious and at the verge of tears but she still didn't say a word to me.

"Mom please say something." I pleaded.


"Kelly just go away." I froze. She only told me to go away so why does it hurt so much? I brushed off her comment and patted her hair.

"Mom, you can totally talk to me. We only have each other, please tell me what's...

"Just leave!"

Short chapter 🤷‍♀️

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