Chapter 1 - Dreams do come true

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I walked threw the door of my dads house and heard him speaking on the phone. I followed the sound of his voice which led me to the kitchen. He looked at me and smiled and put his finger up as if saying 'one minute' so I sat on one of the stools and leaned my arms on the counter. My dad had called and told me he had something important to tell me so I rushed over. My stomach was in knots because I couldn't think of what it could be and I always thought of the worst conclusions. 'C'mon dad I'm dying over here' I thought to myself as his phone conversation seems to go on for ages. Finally, he finished the conversation and hung up and slid his cellphone in his pocket.

"Lexxi! How's my favorite daughter doing!?" he said as he hugged me.

I laughed and spoke as I hugged him back. "I'm fine dad, but I'm your only daughter. Now what is this important news you need to tell me?!"

He let go of me and looked at me and smiled. "I got you into a merch girl position for Motionless In White."

I was in pure shock. I just started screaming and hugged my dad so tight I thought I'd break his spine. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! MOTIONLESS IS MY FAVORITE BAND AND I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO MERCH AND OH MY GOD DAD THANK YOU SO MUCH" I practically broke the wine glasses in my dads kitchen I was screaming so loud.

"It's no problem, I know how much you wanted to do this and so as soon as the position opened up I got the guys to hire you. You leave tomorrow so you might want to get home and pack, and make sure you stay safe. I know the guys will take good care of you." he smiled.

"Dad I'll be fine, thank you so much this means the world to me" I said as I hugged him and dashed out the door. I ran to my car and tried to calmly drive to my apartment. I couldn't believe I was about to live my dream that I had wanted to achieve for so long. Not only that but it was with my favorite band. I was still in shock.

As soon as I got to my apartment I ran in and grabbed my suitcase and basically packed all my jeans, t shirts, make up, panties, bras, and other things I'd need. I put my acoustic guitar in its carrying case and put it by the door along with my suit case. It was pretty late by the time I finished packing but I was too excited to sleep. I decided I would check my room for anything else I wanted to pack. As I got back in my room my phone started buzzing in my pocket. It was a number I didn't recognize but I answered anyway.

Me ; Hello?

? ; Yeah hi is this Lexxi?

Me ; Yes... Who is this?

Josh ; Josh Korel , Motionless In Whites manager. I just wanted to make sure you were taking the merch position.

I almost fainted but somehow got the words out

Me ; Yes! I am.

Josh ; Great! We'll be by at 9am to pick you up. Your father gave us your address already so be ready.

Me ; Alright thanks!

I said and hung up. I was shocked. Motionless In Whites manager just called me. I now knew just how real my dream was becoming. I did one last check around my room then decided I should go to bed since I planned on getting up at 7am. I put my alarm on and put my phone on the charger and slid into bed, thinking about what tomorrow would bring before finally falling asleep.

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