Chapter 8 - Racing hearts

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Balz and I sat and talked for a few hours, basically talking about the good things about Sara. As we talked, it seemed to mend the broken pieces of our hearts that were once held by Sara. The guys knew we needed to talk so they all left us alone, including Chris. We even laughed about things we remembered about Sara. When Balz checked the time it was 3 pm... We both had 3 hours to eat and get ready for the show tonight. Chris already carried the merch in and actually helped Josh set it up because they didn't want to interrupt Balz and I. Balz got up to take a shower so I went outside to smoke. Ryan and Brandon were outside so I talked to them until Balz came out. By then I had smoked 3 cigarettes.

We went to grab cheesesteaks then we went back to the trailer and ate quickly because I had to get ready and Balz had to do sound check. After eating, Balz went out to get ready for sound check and and I went to shower.

After my shower I did my usual, get dressed, do my hair and make up... But tonight I wanted to catch someones eye. Chris. I wanted to make myself look good because I wanted Chris to notice me and think I was beautiful.

( Lexxi's outfit : )

After getting dressed, I walked towards the trailer door, hoping I would see Chris. I took a deep breath and opened the door and stepped out. I got stares. From all the guys, but Chris wasn't there. Ricky whistled, and the other guys followed. I felt my face getting out.

Me : GUYS STOP! I did it for Chris.

They all did that 'awwwwwwwwwwww' thing in chorus.

Me : Where is Chris?

Brandon : He's in the venue watching the merch table... Waiting for you.

I smiled and walked towards the door of the venue, feeling the guys watching me. It felt good to be noticed. But not as good as getting noticed by Chris. I walked in and Chris was in mid sentence of talking to Josh and just starred at me. I walked over to him, locking my eyes on his. His mouth fell wide open, and he didn't even blink. Josh was starring to, but not as hard as Chris. Once I reached him he couldn't even speak... My plan had worked.

Chris : Lex you look... Fuck.

I giggled, trying not to let my face turn bright red like it wanted to. Chris pulled me into a tight hug, sending butterflys filling my stomach. My heart started to race when he whispered into my ear.

Chris : You look fucking amazing... Go on a date with me tomorrow?

I smiled and nodded and he hugged me tighter. Josh pulled him and said it was almost show time so he had to go back stage until it was Motionless's set. I was bummed, but knew I'd see him later so it didn't bother me too much.

I watched him walk away and yes, I starred right at his ass. He didn't lie when he said he had a big ass.

The other band sets went by quickly because of how many people stopped by the merch table. Thankfully the amount of people slowed down when Motionless came on. My eyes stayed right on Chris. That is until Josh came over to me.

Josh : Hey! I'm watching the merch table, go with this security guy, you're going side stage!'

He yelled over the sounds of screams and Chris's voice.

I couldn't even question him because he pushed me forwards. I followed the security guy until we were side stage, giving me a closer view of Chris. After they finished Devil's Night, the stage got dark, dark to where I saw nothing unless a fan snapped a picture with their flash on. Then I heard Chris's voice.

' How many of you guys know Lexxi, our merch girl?! ' He asked the crowd. Screams echoed threw the venue, I couldn't help but smile, until Chris spoke again.

' Well she's going to do a song with us, she has an amazing voice and a girl has never sang along with us in this song, so enjoy being the first to witness this. We're gonna do city lights!'

More screams, then the lights went on, and Chris started walking towards me. He handed me a mic, and intertwined his fingers with mine and led me on stage. I was petrified. I was shaking and Chris knewial. because he squeezed my hand, bringing me comfort. The guys began to play and so I sang the first verse, then Chris joined. When the heavy vocals came Chris took over, then we sang the lower parts together. After the song ended the crowd went bat shit crazy, making me smile. Chris hugged me and then I ran back to side stage and watched the rest of their set. When they finished all the guys hugged me and told me how great I did. Chris how ever said nothing. He walked up to me, held my face gently in his hands and kissed me. It sent chills down my spine and my stomach was in knots, but that moment made me realize I still loved him, and I wanted to make this work into something official.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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