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Percy POV
I practically growled when there was a flash. I saw Hermès standing in the den, "Percy, I want you all to know that most of the gods do not want what is about to happen. Only your fathers are in this." I nodded and he came and teleported us to the throne room. There, most gods and goddess we're all puffy eyed.

All except for my father and Zeus. Annabeth stood at their feet. "Perseus Jackson!" Zeus growled, "You and the rest of our children are under trial. It has been brought to our attention that you have manipulated my children and Hades' children into practicing powers beyond you! How do you plead?" My father held his trident and his eyes swirled with hatred. I sighed, "I have no plea." Everyone went silent, "Kill me for all I care. But, if you dare touch the people behind me, I can and will torture you worse than what Tartarus ever did to me."

My father's eyes faltered for just a second, "Fine. Kill them." Jason brought his sword out and the rest of us followed. I brought up a barrier of water. 'Run to the shadows!' I nodded to them and Nico held Hazels hand while she held mine and Nico grabbed Thalia's hand she held Jason's. We ran to a wall and disappeared.

I loved the rush of darkness and cold running over my skin. However, Nico can't land with more than one person. So we all tumbled and tripped over each other. I stood up and helped Hazel and Thalia up. I looked around the dark palace. "We're in his throne room." Nico awed. His throne was pure black and souls and light screams sounded.

Guards stood at the doors then there was flash, forcing us to close our eyes. When we could see I was tackled by something very pink. I caught us and awkwardly patted her back. Hades had a small smile, "Aphrodite. We came for a purpose." She huffed and released me and walked back. In front of us stood Hermès, Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, Ares, Athena, Aphrodite, Hades, Hestia, Persephone, Demeter, Dionysus, and Hera.

I bowed. "Percy, while we trust you to never betray Olympus, your increase in power was very alarming. Same goes for the rest of you." Hestia started. "You alone, Percy, have the power to take down Zeus himself. Just as practice." Ares grumbled. "If the five of you put your power together, you could overthrow us with a snap of your fingers or a wave of your hand." Hermès finished. Jason almost dropped his sword and Hazel put a hand to her mouth. She rushed forward to her father, "No! You know we wouldn't try!" Hades shifted into Pluto and patted her back. "I know Hazel. That is why, we've called for someone who can take you all away and train you. They can protect you and give you a home."

Hazel stood back, "Who can hide us from the lord of the skies! Who is that powerful?" Ares shrugged, "Well, Percy could but not the point. Chaos." There was black flash and a beautiful portal opened.

A woman with long black hair and milky skin stepped out. Her dress moved in swirls. She looked up and I gasped. Her eyes held the stars and the universe. There was no white in her eyes but blues, greens, yellows, and purples. I didn't notice everyone bow. She smiled and nodded her head to me. I finally came back to my senses and bowed quickly. I dropped to my knee and she placed her hand on my head, "There is no need to bow to me Heroes." We all stood up warily.

"I am Chaos. Creator of the universe." I puffed out a laugh. She chuckled, "The light in your eyes Percy has been missing for quite some time." I felt my face get warm. Hades chuckled and walked up to her. She turned and he leaned down and kissed her cheeks, "I'm glad you got our call." Her eyes saddened and I desperately wanted her to smile again. "Yes, Zeus and Poseidon are acting, mostly, on their own accords. The daughter of Athena however has seemed to manipulate them. She has gained power from Nyx. They will break from it soon and realize their mistake but for now, you five will need to come with me."

I turned to look at them and Jason grabbed Thalia's hand and Nico took Hazels, "Let's go." I nodded and ignored the pang of jealously hitting me. We said our goodbyes and we walked through the portal. The same feeling washed over me from when I shadow travel with Nico.

On the other side was a beautiful world. The grass was a light pink, the skies were orange and purples. The trees were a dark shade of blue and the flowers ranged from greens, Browns, and blacks. Strange combinations but it looked beautiful. Smelled good too. I stared in awe and didn't notice the other staring at me. I smiled and ran my fingers over the flowers took in a deep breath, "Where are we?" I turned to face them and an immediate blush came. Thalia laughed, but I noticed a blush on everyone also. Jason smiled and Nico and Hazel chuckled.

"We are on planet Dexia. My home. Now, come and meet your siblings." We all smiled and I was very excited. I was going to have brothers or sisters! I almost started skipping while we followed Chaos. Jason snickered, "Hey, this is the most free I've been since I turned seven." Thalia tilted her head, "I though you went to camp when you were twelve?" I nodded, "I faced monsters before camp. And he wasn't Greek." I stuffed my hands in my pockets and clenched my jaw. My mood dropped drastically and so did the temperature. "Smelly Gabe. That's what I called him anyway. He was my stepfather before Paul and he was mean. He was a drunk and bad poker player.

"He got mad easily and he used to take it out on my mom. I found out when I was seven so I would force myself into her place. He eventually got the hint and just came straight for me. One night, he had some friends over. Girls and guys. I was ten, they all took their turns on me. I lost my purity at ten and they continued to do it me. Gabe started getting his belt and whipping me after taking advantage of me. I never said a word to my mother or anyone else. Not even the gods know." Hazel gasped and ran to me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

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