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I stared at the creator dead in the eyes. He hesitated for nothing more than a second before composing himself, "I was right. You are a strong and worthy warrior. Come with me and I will leave earth alone." He held his hand out towards me and smiled. I slowly walked up to him through the rain.

My hair stuck to my face and so did my clothes. "I'd rather die than join you." My voice was ice and the rain stopped. "Then die you shall!" He swung his sword and I simply extended my wings and jumped into the air. He growled and did the same. While my wings were a mix of green, yellow, blue, and white his were pure black. They were jagged and broken.

They were more bat like and mine were were like an eagles. I propelled myself forward and he parried. I twisted and tried to strike but he seemed to know where I would move next.

Third POV
The sky cleared like the world knew that these warriors would need to see. Percy flew up into the air on beautiful, full wings of blues, greens, yellows, and whites. The creator followed on jagged broken bat like wings. Demigods gasped as their eyes followed. The Archangels gripped their weapons ready to aid. Everyone watched as their leaders fought. All the sudden, Percy came plummeting to the ground. Hazel used the metal of his sword to slow his fall and Nico used his body. Order dropped to the ground with a loud crash.

"Look here demigods! Your so called hero is about to die!" Order grabbed Percy by the hair and pulled him. Percy's face was contorted into pain and tiredness. His hands sagged at his sides and his eyes were closed. "Today marks the day, you all fell under my rule!" He brought his sword down and plunged it into Percy's stomach. Screams sounded and the Archangels ran. Order smirked and parried each strike. He seemed bored.

Percy POV
I laid there gasping for breath. Blood ran from my mouth and stomach. I heard cries and more swords clash. I tried to move but my body refused. I managed to turn my head and saw my friends. Nico, Thalia, Jason, and Hazel all were fighting him. And they were losing. I felt a hand on my head and turned. "Hey, Sea Mist." I smiled, "Hey Flower." The Apollo camper put his hands on my stomach, "This is going to hurt." I nodded, "This won't kill you right?" He nodded, "Not with my father's healing blessing." With that, his hands glowed and my stomach mended itself.

It burned as the light helped stitch the skin together. I bit my lip and gridded my teeth. My energy restored and my body started responding to me. The light died down and I quickly looked over to make sure no one noticed. No one did. I smirked and turned back, "Ouch." He rolled his eyes, "Go save the world Sea Mist." He patted my back and I stood up. I brought my sword up. I was yet to be noticed and I used it to my advantage. A scene flashed in my head, showing me what the world would look like if Order won. Then, I saw our victory.

I smirked and snuck behind him. My team stopped and I thrusted my sword into Orders stomach. He gasped and a eerie stillness fell over the camp. "Next time, go for the heart." I twisted my sword and he yelled. Chaos appeared, "Brother, May your powers be tied to your weapon and your body forever be bound to Void." I drew my sword back and he fell to his knees.

He took a deep breath before muttering, "I curse you Percy. To never die and to never be trusted." I felt the curse hit me and I stumbled. He disappeared and nothing was left but his sword. "Percy," Chaos reached down and held the sword to me, "A token, of what you have accomplished today." I reached out and took the sword. It vibrated with power.

A soft green glow lit it before dying down. "It gained power from you." I chuckled, "How?" Chaos held a mischievous smile, "Power is not always strength." With that Chaos disappeared. "I hate it when she does that." I was tackled by a tiny body.

I chuckled and sat up but my face was assaulted with kisses. "Hazel I'm okay!" She wrapped her arms around my neck and cried, "We saw you die!" I chuckled, "No, you saw me get stabbed in the stomach." She pulled away and slapped me. "Ow." I made a face and stood up but Hazel refused to let go. She wrapped her legs around my waist and tried to bury herself in my chest. "Hazel, come on!" She still hung on so I just held on. I wrapped my arms under her so she wouldn't slip. Thalia, Jason and Nico came up and wrapped their arms with me.

We all untangled ourselves and somehow Hazel ended up on Jason. I chuckled and dusted myself off. I looked back into the crowd of demigods in search of someone when I was tackled.

I didn't process the lips that were smashed on mine till my head hit the ground. I stiffened but saw a familiar head of dark brown hair. I smiled and pressed back. He gasped and let go. "I-I didn't expect you to do that." He whispered. He tried to wriggle away but I held on. I simply pulled him closer till my lips were on his again.

He smiled and pushed back. We had to separate for air and I smiled like an idiot when I stood up. My face heated up at the small cheers from my friends. I saw a familiar head of blonde princess curls, "Percy." She tried running to me but an arrow was pointed to her. Many sharp weapons followed and none were mine. "Percy, I'm sorry. I wasn't in con -"

"Annabeth, you were still in control, you made your own decisions. Said what you wanted. Nyx couldn't control you. I had made sure of it a few hundred years ago." I wasn't as angry as I should've been. "But, I forgive you. I can't love you again, but I can forgive you." She sobbed and I brought her into a hug.

After a few more seconds I let her go and stood back. "Come on Annabeth. This isn't the fierce, I-don't-care-what-people-think-about-me-because-I'm-a-warrior warrior I had fallen for when we were twelve." She gave a dry laugh, "Yeah okay seaweed brain." I smiled and she returned it. I turned and faced my team and Noah-James. "Well, I think it's time we went home." They nodded. "I need to tell a few people some things and give a few apologies and receive a few."

They chuckled and I pulled Noah-James into my side. "I'll be back. Just rest here and take care of your sister." He nodded and I kissed his head. With a smile, I teleported to the throne room where fourteen Olympian gods and goddess waited.

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