Chapter II: Ready, Set, Scandal

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A/N: This chapter has been slightly altered from its original posting on 19th December 2018.


When Julia Hemsworth, having travelled few hundred years back in time, woke up from her slumber, she was having the worst time of her life –– the crash-hangover.

Her skull felt like some girl stabbed her head with her heel, depressed and she was hungry. And thirsty. So so hungry and thirsty. The moment she opened her eyes, she was met with an instant, splitting pain through her brain. She blinked hard, and tried to focus her eyes. A familiar wave of total desolation washed over her. 'What the hell? How much did I drink last night? Where did this hangover come from?' was the thoughts.

She slowly sat up, staring into blank space; jaw wide, lipstick smeared around her mouth and her half lidded eyes still cloudy with sleep was smudged messily black as if she had cried thousand tears night before. Even without the mirror, she knew she looked like a racoon in a water park.

Julia numbly looked down, relief that she was at least dressed and not in some weird combination of poncho and cowboy hat like last time.

Flashes of last night came back to her. Nothing coherent, just fragments. Then Julia realised where she was and the chaotic mixture of hangover and crash stirred her emotions, longing to see her parent and friends again. That she wished the place she woke up to was her room in her bed and her mum having a go at her for living fast and risking premature (and probably unnecessary painful) death.

But there's only dead silent and the roughness of her 'bed' and knew that this wasn't some hallucination she experienced.

"...That can't be true right...I can't have travelled back in past. No way in hell..." Her nail scratched on the side of her finger, tearing out the protruding skin. She always picked at her skin whenever overwhelming stress and nervousness got the best of her.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the shooting call of nature. Her problem right now was the toilet. There was no nearby toilet and how was she supposed to go or deal with her monthly friend. Hopefully, it doesn't come to digging holes in the ground...which meant it will.

She heard a latch to the shed shackle with struggle and realised someone was trying to come in. At least she still had enough common sense to lock the door before blacking out.

"Please, open the door." A familiar voice drawled.

Julia still dazed and hung over, crawling to the edge where the wood ladder rested against only to ungratefully tumble down to the ground with a loud 'oomph!' for anyone outside to hear.

The silence was thick with trepidation in the air.

Then trains of imprecate epithet seems to explode from the seemingly ordinary barn that housed such formidable alien of a woman. Vincent had to stop himself flinching from some of the words she doled out, carving out unpleasant imaginations in his mind. How a human mind could conceive that was beyond imagination.

There was another silence, dread stirring in his chest as he impatiently waited for the door to be opened. The barn door creaked open, slowly and apprehensively, and Vincent swore he heard growling and saw her eyes glint predatorily with red to his hand that held basket of food.

The sunlight managed to obtrude upon her and the darkness of the barn and she hissed from the light as if it burned her and cowered deeper into the darkness with whimper. Like Dracula.

As he stared down at the woman before him, hunched down so that his height could be used as a shield against the rays, he nudged the barn door wider with his foot to let the whole light in, vanishing whatever little cover she had.

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