Chapter VI: My Way

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As those who follow me on Tumblr knows, I have been sick and ill on-and-off for a while. So I suffer from chronic GERD (basically acid reflux) and because of that I have oesophagitis as result of this horrible disease. I love to eat so not being able to eat and the food itself causing you more pain is just torture. My Korean doctor said it's from stress and for me, it's true. When I get stressed (like really stressed), immediately whatever food I eat that day, I get severe indigestion that last for days and my acid reflux symptoms come back. I already got treated for H.Pylori (one of causes of acid reflux) and I need to get retested if antibiotic worked or didn't and became resistant to it which means I need another two week therapy of antibiotic. This symptoms comes and goes, usually brought on by stress and it's weird because this is the same for my aunt and grandmother so it's easy to tell whenever one of us is stressed, it's kinda funny when you see all three of us just lying and tired with life expression on our faces haha. Anywhoo, I was on PPI (stomach acid suppressing meds) for a long time and now where my stomach acid was causing me pain, lack of stomach acid is causing me pain. It's funny but lack of stomach acid also causes acid reflux. What a cycle right. Lack of stomach acid = delayed gastric emptying (aka you need acid to digest food. Without it, the food just sits in your stomach, rotting away).

I just had a really severe episodes of the last few months to the point that I could only eat two times in a week. A water and a banana on Monday would keep me full until Thursday. I was just tired and lethargic all the time and couldn't gather the energy to write. So, yes this is why I've been quiet. Now, I can get and I finally, finally able to feel hunger! Gosh, never been thankful for able to feel what hunger is like. Worst thing is, I'm a bodybuilder so nutrition is like a huge stress factor for me when I can't get all my macros for the day in. Trying to squat 60kg on 200 calories a day is just impossible. I'm careful with what I eat (I eat the same thing everyday anyway) hopefully it doesn't come back.

That was long. Please enjoy the update. 


Ok. She wanted to pummel something. Or someone.

Maybe cry for four hours straight. Rest. Then repeat.

It had been already over three months ever since she landed back in time. Three months of being imprisoned in this 36 feet wide and 50 feet long barn in the centre of private boys' school, in the 19th century London. Three months without an answer as to how it was even remotely scientifically possible to travel back in time. It was too real to be a dream yet too improbable to be true.

I am surrounded by guys. I can't change my clothes without having to fear eyes. Not once have I taken bath without being afraid. For every moment of my life in this savage place, I have to fear of being found out.

Her only friend was Helga, a sarcastic kitchen maid, Clare, another fellow kitchen maid and Vincent, your typical rich boy who didn't know how to change his own bed sheet.

Julia found her breakfast basket outside her door and no Vincent in sight, which usually meant he was busy for the whole day with his upcoming tests right before the summer holiday. It had been few weeks since she seldom saw him, and remembered how shock she had been when she found out he had fifteen tests due in one month. She had been the one who suggested he stop bringing her food as she found it was easier to navigate the school as a servant and can get her food from Helga but she'd always find her breakfast waiting by the door like clockwork every day.

She'd eat her breakfast alone before dressing in her servant garbs and head out for her day, silently slipping into the group of busy servants in the large kitchen, preparing for lunch. Helga was the one who usually told her what to do, retrieving ingredients from the pantry, cutting and chopping, washing and cleaning. It was hard work, Julia grimaced as she lifted the heavy stock pot onto the gas hob, but it was better than doing nothing all day stuck in the barn. At least here, she can talk to others and walk around freely as much as her position allowed.

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