Chapter III: Home, a place far away.

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A/N: This chapter has been slightly altered from its original posting on 19th December 2018.


When Julia woke from her messy prone positioned sleep, she thought she heard knocks.

It's probably that kid, she thought sleepily, it was so weird he would deliver her food quite early but then again, private schools probably started early. Or maybe modern schools generally started later.

When she opened the door, eyes heavily dropping, she saw the familiar basket only it was laid on the floor and no Vincent at sight. He must be busy, she deduced. But a boy that young shouldn't even be up at this early hour for education or even be half as serious about education as him! Although she should take her education more serious seeing she got H2O and H2O2 confused in her last exam when it was primary school levelled chemistry.

Julia quickly took the food in, closing the door behind her. The deliciously warm aroma of recently cooked food elicited the loud rumbling of her stomach. But for now, even if she was hungry, sleep seemed like a heavenly option and so fell back to sleep once more.


"Here you go young master, enjoy your food." The cooker handed Vincent the basket with a smile. It wasn't odd for a student to request additional food in between the meals nor was it his concern why he required them. But even so, he should find an alternate option seeing his requests will only increase.

"Thank you." He nodded, taking the basket.

Vincent walked out of the kitchen, having finally familiarised himself for the first time to discover its eluding location. He was sure he would have never knew their existence if it weren't for the very woman who was probably waiting for the food to be served. Like some Queen, he thought with grimace. He was still having difficulty making sense of the possibility of time travelling and there were so few books on the subject, all coming to the same conclusion that it was an absolutely impossible concept that could never be achieved. He wondered what those scholars would say if he introduced her – the very existence that should not exist. And even if it did, dead and disintegrated into tiny particles of ashes.

Now that it was break time, the front court was full of resting students who would surely notice him carrying a basket full of food with no plausible reasons. But Vincent knew passages he was sure would be deserted of other students since it was quite unknown. He had discovered it when he was searching for a place when he wanted to be alone and now his sanctuary was being used for such offensive purpose.

Vincent was about to drop the basket off in front of the barn when it opened as if she was expecting him. He was surprised when she greeted him with a big grin as if glad to see him.

"You're not gonna come in, are you?" It was more of a statement.

He shook his head, "I cannot today."

She made a disappointed face, "Aww..I really needed someone to talk to." Then she shrugged, "Well, you can't have 'em all in life I guess." She said, though it was more a self-talk.

Then she clicked her finger as if she remembered something and stuck her hand into a pocket in those oversized, shapeless burgundy shirt printed with large, curved capital letters 'IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON' and handed him a colourful package he hoped was one of her modern sweets. Vincent found himself to have more questions than answers whenever he saw her.

He looked up as she articulated, "It's called Jaffa Cakes. Try it, it's really yummy and orangey. Good to eat them when you're tired."

"Thank you." He said, "And I apologise for yesterday. It was unbefitting of me."

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