Chapter VII: Fabricated Truth

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A/N: Hello guys, I decided to upload this chapter early than on Christmas day because I'll be on flight on that day.

Also, I've made a slight change to four earliest chapters so I recommend you read the changed version – it not too much that its' a whole new story but I've made few, insignificant changes.

I hope you all have a wonderful and happy Christmas! And happy new year to you all. Hopefully next year will be better (for me anyway).


On the morning of June 13, a small postcard and the gift of a card case arrived to his doorstep. A simple printed white Gardenias and 'Many Happy Returns with All Our Affection' written in bottom right corner extended above the picture. Vincent flipped the small card to the back where his mother had written a personal message for him in her elegant, cursive writing:

Dear most beloved son,

Happy fourteenth birthday, Vince. As always, you refuse to come home to celebrate your birthday in favour of studying despite your poor mother's most desperate plea each year. I terribly fear you favour your friends over me and your sister trapped in our lonely town house awaiting your returns. Come home, I miss you dearly.

Love always,


Dear Vincent,

I am sure you fathom our mother's most yearning for your presence and it displeases me greatly that you choose to ignore it. For whatever reason it may be, you are hesitant to visit us even on weekends. I am aware your studies are of great importance but do not be so cruel to mother. I shall drag you back home if I must. I will see you this weekend.


He could almost hear his sister's biting, imposing tone that demanded one's utmost obedience and as much as it was enduring and so familiar, he feared it may also be her downfall. Vincent worried for her debut to the society that won't take so kindly to a headstrong, vocal female who was clearly more adept and intelligent than most men. It was moment such as this he felt great sorrow. Francis was too ahead of her time. He wanted to rip something.

Picking up his dip pen, he wrote a reply.

To my beloved sister,

I know I have been neglecting you and mother and it was, in no way, my intention and there is nothing more than I desire than to spend time with you both. Please send a carriage on Friday.



He didn't usually pen his letter with his nickname and as much as it embarrassed him when Francis referred him with such, he was secretly fond of the endearment. It was his way of appeasing her, of yielding and acknowledge her authority when due and he had nothing but respect and adoration for her. For her strength. For her character.


The Friday came quickly and he boarded the carriage awaiting him beside Tanaka. Later that evening, a grand feast was served and grand seven tiered cakes took its place to the table as the evening's centre piece. It was rare for their family to be together and even more rare to share a meal together with Claudia's busy works for Her Majesty.

"How is college, Vincent?" Claudia asked, delicately cutting the cake slice into small bits with the dessert fork.

"Busy. I have five more exams left." His eyes were downcast, unwilling to show the exhaustion that were already set upon him in lines despite knowing he could never hide anything from his mother.

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