Your Blind

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// jack pokes his head out of the sack and feels the floor, he feels he is in a house of sorts it smells of warmth and food and he feels people's foot steps
"Ai! Jack!"
// he jumps a bit at the noise and can feel two big hands pick him up and give him a big hug
"Nice to meet you Jack, Welcome to the North Pole!"
// he says in a thick accent, he blinks a bit.
"Ahh! your teeth are so pretty so white!"
// you feel someone poking at your mouth and teeth and the sound of 'wings?'
"Your teeth really do look like freshly fallen snow~"
// she said happily but then she saw your very long hair poking out and then picked up your hair
"Wow it's so long! *gasp* how did you get it this long."
// you could hear her feeling your hair you don't mind though than you hear the voice that brought you here
"Well I did my job, I got the frostbite. Now can we get this over with?"
// he said in a deep voice he sounded mad but you didn't know why, you never really knew why he was always mad at you
"Good job bunny, now what do we do north? uhh..."
// she suddenly feels a hand on her face, she looks at the winter spirit in awe, the hand moves up and down to feel her face
// she gasped and gently grabbed your arm holding it a bit away, he moves his head in a funny manner and makes it move to where his hand might be.
// they all look in shock and tooth lightly grabbing his shoulder
// he moves his head again at this and tries to back away
"What da you mean, he can't see?"
// said bunny, she grabbed your hoodie and you pulled back more but she shushed you trying to calm you, you move forward to her and let her do it she moved it down slowly and then they see pure white orbs and clouded pupils they all gasp a bit
// you sit there and move your head again in a funny manner searching for the noises
"T-That isn't right, how could he be blind no spirit has ever been before? Manny what is going on?"
// North asked the moon in the sky and Jack moved his head to look up
"He can't be blind, he causes trouble where ever he goes, he freezes my eggs and makes snow days go on longer than they should."
// bunny growled you move your head to where you think he is and poke your staff to the floor
// just than manny was talking and jack could not hear him but the others where quiet
"But Manny?..."
// north said and manny was gone
"Manny said he is Guardian...and if he says than he is no butts about it."
// sandy signed saying he was right, even if he is blind it doesn't matter just as long as he helps the children, bunny was not happy about this idea and didn't think he was blind but at the same time he was unsure about it
"So Jack? will you help us fight against pitch?"
// he looked around well if can call it that and ripped his hand away from tooth she gasped and he grunted a bit
// you move your head up and you can feel manny and your angry he never talked to you
// you shake your head and grunt signing funny, sandy sees this and shows them
"Oh! dear am so rusty at signs, he said....he talks to you."
// she said and north comes in
"Of course, he talks to all of us."
// you sign again, tooth reading your hand movements
"He never talks to me."
// she looks at him sadly
" Of course he talks to us, We are guardians, we are believed in. you are invisible mate its like you don't even exist."
// he said
// tooth yelled he looked over to her shocked she yelled and looked back to jack
// he had his head bowed and the wind inside started to pick up
"What is that?"
// north asked and it got stronger and stronger
"What the bloody hell!?"
// than you can hear roars coming from outside and a shattered sound
// they all jump back bunny panic grabs his weapon and holds it up
// jack looking up with anger in his eyes and next to him is two very large even larger than a human, a white tiger and a white lion showing teeth and roaring loud standing next to him in a protective mode of sorts
"What bloody hell is that!?"
// bunny said tooth backed up
"It's a lion and a tiger.."
// she said
"Their his protecters."
// she gasped a bit shocked at how big they were
"Jack call back thez catz please."
// north said putting his hands up and saying it calmly but he was pretty scared they would jump, my gosh they where huge
// he moved his head again to hear something
"Jack please..."
// she said he moved again to her and his eyes did moved somewhat but were limited due to being blind
"We won't hurt you, and bunny didn't mean what he said."
"yeah I did."
// bunny said with an eyeroll
"Shush you! Jack please..."
// she tried again coming closer
// he lifted a hand up they all wondered what he was doing bunny was ready to attack if he had to, he didn't trust him
// he put his hand on the lion most likely the older male and petted its head it stopped and wrapped a tail around him and started to lick his face and the tiger rubbing his head on his side licking his hand, jack put his arm around the tigers head in a hugging like manner he blinks a few times 'looking' to the distant
// bunny looked in shocked that he did this and they where caring for him like older brothers
"Thank you Jack, their like his brothers"
// she said the last part quietly
// he looked up with a bit of sorrow but they didn't see it since his head turned the other way, he was hurt at what bunny said he knew he was alone and he knew they didn't care, they left him for 300 years alone only his brothers for protecting thought he wasn't as mad as he should be, he wanted to be seen but he also was okay with not being
// he turned his head and gave them a slow nod
"Are you going to help us?"
// he gave yet another nod and moved his head in a funny way again to listen
"Why are ya doing that?"
// bunny asked it was kind of weird seeing someone do that, but he feels like he's seen it somewhere before
// he moves his head to bunny and bunny looked at him in those eyes looking deep into them he saw....
// he moved his head to a noise and backed up
"Oh no! My home!?"
// she flew out the window and jack gasped turning his head quickly
"Come Jack we must help."
// jack let go of his brother and floated off the ground he floated to the sleigh room
"We take sleigh."
"ahh no way mate!
"yes its faster, tooth needs us now. come jack you come in?"
// jack moved his head and shook it and moved out the door floating fast and the brothers follow suit sandy laughs and so does north looking to a scared bunny and shakes his head
"well thats a no, but he fly you don't, hurry now."
// he grabbed bunny and put him in and he held on for dear life
// they toke off and were flying in the sky, bunny was getting sick and sandy was there trying to comfort him
// jack was flying fast at the side sandy waved to him to come in but forgot he can't see him waving so north stepped him
"Sandy is right Jack come on in."
// jack moved his head to his side moving to the sound of the wind and grabbed at the side and pulled himself in slowly he moved inside and sat next to bunny
// bunny moved over a bit but it didn't seem like jack noticed or cared
"I hope we get out of this soon, or you'll see carrots soon."
// bunny said and gagged, jack moved his head to him and reached into his pocket, sandy looked to what he was doing and tilted his head
// jack pulled something out and held it out to bunny
"What is that?"
// he asked a little annoyed, jack pointed to the pills then his mouth and then to his stomach and pointed back to bunny
"You want me to take those?"
// he nods
"No way! I don't know what those are!"
// jack sighed a bit but not in a annoyed way he pointed to his stomach again, sandy nods and nods his head at bunny and sandy told bunny to take them
"....ugh fine ya grumby!"
// he takes them and eats them, sandy smiles and jack just nods moving his head back to front
// a few seconds later bunny felt better and he sat up and looked to jack he helped him? why? jack just looked forward blinking like he always did and bunny sighed sandy smiled at bunny and gave him a thumbs up and bunny nods much to his annoyance
"tooth palace."
// north whispered and they went threw a hole and everyone yelled but jack only having a dumbfounded look
"Hmm where is tooth."
// soon nightmares came at them and tooth fighting below, the baby teeth were flying away from the nightmares
"crip crip!"
// one cried and jack moved up and flew out quickly grabbing her holding her to his chest
// he moved his head down and she cirpped happily
// he smiled a bit and he gave her to bunny
"What are you doing?"
// he said and jack went to the side and threw his hand out and the brothers roared and fought off the other nightmares he leaned down and fell out of the sleigh
// bunny looked down and he was gone
"Damn Frostbite!"
// they landed and helped tooth
"well, well, well if it isn't the big four~"
"Give me back my teeth pitch!"
// he laughed
"I can't do that, am going to take everything from all of you and make everyone stop believing in you."
// bunny threw a boomrang at him and missed
"not as long as we're around ya not."
// he said but he laughed again and saw something
"Is? Is that Jack Frost?"
// he went to him jack standing there and hearing for him
"Did you really get Jack Frost to join you how lovely. Well am going to ignore you not that your not use to that"
// he went to move away from him and jack threw ice at him hitting at the wall
// the others gasped and jack was in front of him in seconds and pointing his staff at him
"So fast...."
// he said and a nightmare came at him and jack froze it and jumped in front of the others mainly in front of tooth protecting her
" did you do that?"
// she asked and jack said nothing listening
"You have no believers yet look how powerful you are~ you should join me Jack and not them."
"Shut up!"
// bunny yelled
"Oh go suck a carrot rabbit, its not like you want him anyway."
// he sent another nightmare and before bunny could do anything jack reached in his hoodie and threw a boomrang at it and cut it in half and it hit pitch in the head and he fell holding his head bunny looked at jack in awe
"I'll get you to join me my sweet dark prince~ soon~"
// he ran away and the others yelled but then saw he was gone jack was standing and listening not even moving
"Jack howz did you 'os thats?"
// asked north and jack didn't listen
// tooth went to touch him but then he jumped down to the small lake she had
"Wait Jack!"
// she flew down and the others looked to each other and jumped down after them
"Jack what's wrong?, are you hurt?"
// she asked and jack still was not listening and moving his head around
"Hey ya frostbite listen to her!"
// he yelled and jack then moved to a small bush and bent down his foot in the air and other to the ground reaching for something and then bent back up and held it out to her
// she grabbed it and he gave her another
"How...did you know these fell here?"
// she asked and he pointed to her and then his ears
"You heard them...but...that's not...unless you have animal like hearing..?"
// he blinked at her and looked away a bit moving in an uncomfortable way
"I can't...thank you Jack..."
// just then baby tooth flew out
"Oh my gosh baby! thank goodness one of you is safe..thank you bunny."
// she said and bunny backed up a bit
"Wasn't me it was Frostbite."
// he looked to him and jack 'looked' to him again both staring at each other and she smiled
"Wow jack thank saved her."
"How did you do that with pitch?"
// north asked and jack nodded to him
"You were so fast and pitch didn't stand a chance."
// jack shook his head at that and held a boomrang up, bunny looked at it and wondered when he got it
"How did you get that!?"
// jack threw at bunny and he grabbed it and he gasped
"Your hearing is like an animals..."
// she said and bunny looked at her in disbelieved in that
// he signed
"I can see with my staff touching the ground, and my hearing is really good and I can hear things echo off each other."
// tooth said for him and see looked at jack too.
"So the staff is like walking stick."
// north said to him and jack nods but shakes his head with a silly smile
// bunny was dumbfounded about all this, how did he do that with pitch? why did he help him when he was sick and how the bloody hell did he get his boomrang when he threw it only moments before and it went missing for a few
"So he can do a few things? So what doesn't mean we need his sorry help."
// he folded his arms
// jack just turned his head away frowning so they didn't see it
// jack moved his head to tooth
"Will you help us fight pitch?"
// bunny grunted at the question he really did not want to work with this kid, he messes with his eggs and makes it snow longer then it should, blind or not he knew what he was doing.
"Jack please..."
// he moves his head to her again, thinking she was most likely making a pleading face he sighed and nods
"Thank you Jack!"
// she hugs him and baby tooth swoos her away
"Oh sorry!"
// she blushes but he just smiles not a big one but a small cute one and tooth smiles at this
"Aww your teeth~"
"Come now Jack we will help Tooth with Teeth yes?"
// he nods his long hair moving with the head movements
"Oh god...."
// bunny says and sandy nods smiling at jack
"Do you think we can do it?"
// she asked
"Of course! I give gifts in one night!"
"And I in one day."
// bunny said and north laughed
"Come now all must go!"
// they all travel the way they want and jack flew with the lion in the sky but before he did bunny called him
"Hey Frostbite!"
// jack turned around and moved his head to hear better, bunny grunted that was starting to annoy him
"I'm keeping an eye on ya, The others may welcome ya but I don't. I don't trust ya so stay out of my way."
// he poked his chest and jack blinked a few times as bunny walked away and went into a tunnel
// jack moved his head down and sighed he jumped on Tord the tiger and flew up into the sky

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