All a part of the plan

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// the crash was jack knocking everything over to find his staff
// they all ran in the room to find him doing this, bunny ran up to his  and grabbed his arm
* Frostbite! Stop it, your going to hurt yourself more!
// he stopped mid way to jack turning his head and saw the murderous look in his eyes, jack never shows rage or anger very much it's rare he is a sweet and kind child but he was fed up at this point and when he couldn't see, it highly upsets him
* Jack, we are here to help you. Please just calm down.
// tooth said calmly even though she was scared
// growling was heard from the brothers and jack was stilling looking at bunny with that look
* Let's just get you back into bed and you can rest and take it easy okay.
// jack slapped his hand away and wind started to howl loudly outside and the window burst open, bunny stepped back and the brothers growled loudly as Jack's pupils small
* Kid, I'm trying to help its me the big over size rabbit.
// it was in vain as jack could still not hear a word
// he gently toke a few steps forward, it was like dealing with an animal and that scared him. Who knows what he could do if he was cornered
* It's me...
// he gently grabs for his hand again but jack just slapped it away again and jumped over the others
// he landed on his feet and the brothers soon joined behind him in a dangerous way
// jack felt the wall for his staff again
// tooth saw this and looked to the bed seeing the staff and grabbed it
* Jack, it's right here.
* Tooth careful.
* He needs to see us, I will be fine.
// she gently poked his hand with the staff so he has a heads up, jack jerks suddenly and grabs it quickly without any mercy
// tooth jump and waited, jack held on to it so much that his knuckles turned a more pale color almost white and he breathed a sigh of relief
// he backed away but stood his ground against whoever was there in the moment, who keeps touching him? He dislikes any touch that he can't "see" with echo or just sound. He has grown to only know the touch of an animal....wait animal? It was a furry hand that touched his.
* B-Bun-...ny..yy.
// he stuttered loudly and his voice was like something hard was in there making him slur his words
// bunny's ears stood up at the sound of his name and walked more to the child, he eyes now full of confusion and not rage and anger
* Yeah frostbite, it's me.
// he came closer, jack felt this and pointed the staff at him in warning not to come closer, bunny stopped at this.
// the brothers growling again ford looked at the rabbit man like a meal instead of a friend
* Kid, it's okay. I-I, We are trying to help you.
// he said but jack made no move to move or jerk his head to hear anything
* He is still deaf.
// north added in and stayed back with tooth, bunny nods
// jack on his side didn't know what to do, should he help them? Should he just leave? Why was even there!? He was okay being out there on his own. He knew what a fool he was. Was he trying to hurt him for ruining easter?
// he said and bunny stopped
* Wait, what?
// jack roared the wind loudly and the wind spoke words for him
* Leave me alone!!!
// it shouted and froze and ice became of the room and the others are on their knees
* Jack stop this! We- I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said those thing to ya. Please ya need to listen to me.
// the wind suddenly stopped
// they look up in shock and gasp
// jack moved his head to something, he listen quietly for it
* If you wish to have your memories back or if you wish for the garudians safety. Then you will meet at your lake.
// he eyes blank but then wide, he violently opened the window to the room and flew out with the brothers in suit
* Jack!
// bunny yelled
* We havta hurry now! That was Pitch!
// bunny opened a hole
* Wait! We don't have power to face pitch blindly. Childern no longer believe.
// north said
* Yeah, but Jack will get hurt. He's still healing.
// tooth yelled a bit now worried more so than ever
* I'm going with or without your help.
// they look to each other
* We are family, yes? We all fight together!
// north jumped down first then tooth and then bunny
// jack was racing to his lake, he didn't know why he was doing this
// he cared too much for his own good
// but he had a bad feeling something would happen

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