Memories and Nightmares P1

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Meliodas! behind you!"
// she yelled and meliodas turned around and gasped
"No let go!"
// he held his hand out
"No lets her go!"
"We can't Meliodas we know what you did, you found her in the forest like the elders found you she is like you and you two need to go."
// one of the men said
"No you can't! she is onlyz a child and she has a family in the next town over!?"
// he yelled trying to get free but they where to strong he is a child himself
"It must end here and now."
// then he hear a click....a gun
"No! Meliodas! don't hurt him!"
// he hear another at her head
"No...please take mine but not the one you've been after..let her live she has a family and can be useful in the future not me..."
// he bowed his head
"Tell the elders I hanged myself anything they never have to know..."
// she screamed
"Meliodas No!!!!"
// he rised his head and moved it to her
// the one man said
"She is only 8 that is curel even for us..."
"Not what you said when he was a child, you said he was a demon."
// he said to the other man
"Yes but I know her father! He'll have my head for this if he found out. Meliodas does not have a family he won't be missed."
// she kicked and screamed
"No stop this please Meliodas!"
"Fine then. We will go with what you want useless child."
// he held him down Meliodas at his knees
"No stop Meliodas please don't the others please and me!"
// she cried
"Don't be sad sweetheart. I've always had a feeling this would happen it was only a matter of time and plus if its to save you I don't mind doing it."
// he smiled the gun to the back of his head and a click of the tigger
"I don't want this please I need you!"
// he smiled 
"I love you Elizabeth be good."
// a bang a limp form a dead body
// he jerked awaked and frost blew up in the room and a scream
// a slamming of the door and hands on his shoulders
"Jackz what is wrong!?"
// north was there at his side, jack pants and hold his head, ford and tord are on either side of the bed going crazy
// north gasped he spoke this was not good, he had to call the others but first jack needed him
// jack pushed him back and threw up on the ground over the bed north patted his back in comfort
"Itz alright letz it out"
// jack finally stopped and wiped his mouth
"come here..."
// he hugged him and jack was to weak to hug back but he put his head in his chest
"Your warm, thats not good jackie boy..."
// he felt his forhead and sighed
"Let me get you a t-shirt and call the others, maybe bunny has something for you better then what I have you are still child yourself..."
// he pulled the sweater off and put and baby blue shirt on jack was limp the whole time after that ford went behind jack and laid down north put him on ford while tord was at his side licking his face his cold tougne most likely help a bit.
"I'll go get things you need and call others okayz Jack?"
// jack moved his head up a bit and sighed closing his eyes not sleeping but slowly relaxing
"Keep him safe you two..."
// the brother purred a bit looking to him and thus north left the room to go get everything
// he went to the room and put up the signal of the north lights
// he went back and place a cloth on his head and covered half of him with the cold blanket
"Don't worry jack they will be here soon."
// jack coughed voliently into his hand and nods

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