Let it Die

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follow suit to jack they end up at the jack's lake in norway and the moon shined bright in the light for the guardians
// they got there just in time to see pitch and jack standing in front of each other
"Jack don't do it!" // tooth yelled and jack quickly turned around 
"Hahaha you still think they can help you, take care of you, love you?"
// he laughed 
"Shut ya mouth pitch! side what do ya know about family?"
// bunny said and pitch gave him a really look
"A lot more than all of you apparently." // he rolls his eyes
"Look snowflake..please don't do this.." // he begged and jack moved his head to him and went to reach his hand out
"Jack if you come with me we can do so much, you and I againist the world. Cold and Dark~"
// he said and jack backed up
"And besides if you don't...I'll just have to kill the rabbit." // jack gasped but when he did the sand like knives came at bunny but jack quickly stepped in front of bunny holding his arms out and they stabbed threw his stomach
"Jack!?" // bunny yelled and ran to him, jack coughed up not blood but black sand 
"What's happeningz?!" // north yelled and tried to get to them but the nightmares were holding them back
"Kid speak to me! What did ya do to him!" // jack coughed up more black sand
"Nothing it was my nightmare~ When Jack was careless and got bit a little black sand got into his blood and this whole time its been spreading to his blood, his body, his mind and this is just a little more of a push. I told you~ I was going to take you no matter what I had to do my sweet dark prince~" // he laughed 
"Jack stay with me ya have to fight 'im!" // bunny yelled but before he could help more jack pushed him back
"Jack!?" // he called, jack smiled then his face contorted and he let out a blood curdling scream as the black sand surrounded him
"Oh no Jack!" // tooth yelled but north held her back and sandy looked on in horror
"Frostbite!" // he called and soon the sand was disappearing before them and want was on the other side was terrifying
// white hair was turning black and the once dark blue hoodie was a pure black, his head was in the air and the sand was almost gone, bunny came a little closer 
// head tilted to the side and a huge sinister smile and his eye with a little bit of yellow, bunny backed up and gasped
"Shit! This can't...." // he said
"Hahah well it is happening and oh how I waited for this moment~ Jackie boy would you be a doll andKILL them."
"No's" // a voice came and bunny looked up in shock
"I do think I heard you but I said Kill them now." // he said and jack soon was in front of him pinning him to the tree
"I said's No's." // he dropped him and looked up he pointed to pitch but his hand facing the other side
"I don't take order's from you's OLD MAN~" // he smiled wide accent much more thicker than before
// the others looked on in shock
"What do you mean No? I am your master and you do as I say!" // he yelled and jack kicked him to the tree again and held him there by black ice
"Oh~ Master you say's I thought we where parnters~" // he smirked at him
"I am stronger than you and I will rule this world not you! you are under me and you will do as I say and kill them!"
// jack hit him this time and pitch coughed up sand the guardians look on in horror at jack
"Ahh you sound like's lots of villans verys...what you's says unorignal?" // he said laced with his thick accent
"And beside I can't the mere thought of doing that makes me want to Vomit." // he said darkly
// soon he appears in front of bunny very close to his face floating in the air and bunny gasped at this and was ready to stop jack if he was going to do something but what he said next stopped him no made his blood freeze solid
"Mainly this one's....I don't's know why but I feel like's I have.....a bond with's him?"
// bunny's eyes widened at this what does he mean by that
"Like's....'Brothers'...hmm interestings indeed." // bunny gasped in horror 'brothers?' did jack really think of him that way jack smiled and with a click of his finger the guardians were tide up to each other 
"What is this?" // tooth said and tried to get free 
"It's nightmare sandz!" // north yelled
"indeed's it is jolly fat's guy indeed's it is~" // he chuckled floated himself to a tree and sat there for a bit
"Jack please if ya remember kid don't do this!" // bunny tolded him
"I do's remember...Everythings." // a head bow
"Don't gets me wrong I do have a deeps feelings to do away with's you I means after all you's dids." // he looked up his head rocked back and he grinned
"He was rights you's knows about everything.."
// he stopped and frowned 
"About what Jackz." // north said they waited and listened
"I wanted to die's more times then I can count." // he said tooth face was laced in horror
"I was more lonelier now then I was three hundred years ago's, I tried everything's known to mans."
// he smiled looking up
"Before's I meets all of you's and nows I trieds so very hard but nothing works." // a angered look but then back to softness
"It's was the normal things at firsts, food poisonings~ eating flower, berries and even plants that are really deadlys but I that's did was makes me very sicks." // they all had looks of shocked mixed with horror what was not known to them it only got worse 
"That's was the first hundred years but for the nexts I started with hanging buts that was hahahahaha!"
// he laughed loudly and held his stomach, bunny was angry how did he find this funny!
"I screwed ups and broke my arms falling down cause I didn'ts tide its rights and they had to helps me's." // he pointed to the brothers well where ever he thought they were at least
"Then's it was impalings myself with my own icicles, oh thats was funs so much wetness so am thinkings its was blood~" // he giggled and that didn't help the guilt of the others
"Befores we meant up yesterdays I was ready to drown myselfs..." // he held his teeth together and his anger was shown again but this was much worse
"I was to scared to do's it so's like a baby I shook and held on to my brothers for comfort buts it onlys helps so muchs." // he said and soon he was smiling again
"Ahh~ Thats felts nice to get that off's my chests! I feel like a weight is off my shoulders." // he threw his hands in the air
"I can thanks you's for that old man~." // he tilted his head and smiled
"You's really did sets me free."
// he said
"You can't mean all of that frostbite! I know ya and the realy kid would not hurt us like this!"
// bunny yelled to jack, jack turned back a little to him
"That's maybe so, but I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't thinking its deep down in my minds don't yathink?"
// a giggle and the other stopped and thinked, it was true cause somewhere deep inside he was thinking these things even if he didn't mean it
"That's nice for your sharing and caring but what will you do now? I will brake free and I will rule this world with fear!"
// he said and jack kicked him again
"Shut's up old man, I'm not really into ruling this world I just don't want to be apart of its."
// he smiled 
"You are pretty boring for the whole rule the world thing." // he laughs
"But's maybe I can's try to's~." // he giggles 
// he pins pitch to the floor this time 
"How it all begin, if truth be told?"
// his eyes widen with a his mouth moving in a smile
"Had a master plan, now I rule the world." // he threw his hands up and walked to the group
"Took them by surpise, worked my way up hill." // foot on bunny's shoulder and bents forward
"They looked into my eyes, I became invincible." 
"No one can stop me, for only I am in control~" // he walks away and makes a throne back to the others
"If you want me you'd better contact my people." // he pointed his thumb and pinky out he turns around and hands in the air at his side
"In my crowd I am king~ // makes a ice crown and holds it and sits down
I love their endless worshiping." // his hand on his cheek and leaning into it and smiled
"I am raw a dinosaur, But I will never be extinct."
"So don't mess with me~ I'll shoot you down so don't mess with meeee~!" // he gets up quickly and spins around the guardians
"Cause all your heads are gonna roll~!" // he smiles and then waves in hand in the air 
"I've made your misery my goal~!" // he goes to bunny 
"So if you want survival, *kneels* kneel on my arrival~!"
// he looks up to bunny and smiles
"This is how I rule the world!" // he stands up and walks a bit and stops laughing maniacally
"Ahahahahaahh! hahahah...hahaha"
"So don't mess with me, I'll shoot you down."
"Don't mess with me, I'll knock you down, Don't mess with me!"
// he statters the ice throne 
"....hmm no's am not feelings it~" // he gives them a sinister smile
"to's bads old man you failed~" // he grabbed him and threw his into a tree and pinned him by his neck 
"You brat what are you doing to do your nothing without me."
// he yelled
"No's I'm better's than you~" // a cut to the neck and his head came off and jack stepped on it and it stattered into nothing and soon he did it to the body, the others looked on in horror and soon pitch was gone
"Why's so scared? I may not see it but I feels it."
// he said
"Ya kill 'im! in cold blood kid!"
// bunny yelled and jack couldn't help but smile
"Oh come's on nows you don't have to deals with him. I dids you a favor~" // he smiled and clicked his fingers again and the tides came undone
"Whyz you let's us go?" // north said rubbing his hands
"Whatevers you's do doesn't matter to me's."
"What are ya gonna do frostbite!" // he yelled and came closer
"Wells? if you think ruling the world then yours wrongs, no am going to find a ways out and if that so mean the world goes with me's?"
// he said and smiled wide
"Then so's be it~" // he called to the brothers and he floats in the air and moves his head one last time to them 
"And if thats means you have to stop me then also so be its~"
// he laughs and soon is gone
"Jack! Damn it!!!!"
// bunny punched the tree
" 'ow could we let this happen!" // his anger came out and he was starting to lose it, north laid a hand on his shoulder
"We can't thinkz that nowz old friend, nowz we must do'z all we can to get him backz." // he nodded to bunny and bunny nods back
"Yeah...Yeah we can't fail him this time."
// he said
"What if we really do have to stop him." // she covered her mouth and sandy frowned
"We'z won't let it get to thatz, thatz is why we must act now." // he said and they all nod
"Alright let's get our family back."

Rise of the Guardians [A New Story]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें