Loss in more way's than one

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// they went back to the pole, all sad with the passing of sandy and all gathered around to remember him
// jack was in the healing room, but he did wake up after they were done he listened
"What will we'z dos now with sandy gone?" // north asked
"Am unsure guys, but am sure he would want us to take care of jack first..." // tooth hang her head down he voice was very sad
// jack got angry if he was only faster only if maybe he wasn't there.....was it his fault...yes he knew it was
// he off quickly with his brothers following behind close
"I'll go check on 'im" // bunny said walking away he needed to think for a bit but he wanted to check on him he did save him after all
// he looked in the room and no one was there
"Frostbite?" // he called, he looked to the bed and no one was in it
{"The lake....."} // he jumped up, was that..........that was manny
// he toke a hole to where jack's lake was, but no one was there
{"Norway...."} // Norway? why would he be in Norway? he toke another hole and found himself in the woods way deep in the woods so many trees and snow of the ground it was so cold in norway, he walked a little more than he saw a lake in the end of the woods it was huge and so was the area around it you could see the sky and even manny
{"Over there...."} // he called again, bunny saw jack in the sky and quickly hid behind a tree
// why was he hiding...who knows he looked around the tree to see jack better
// jack landed on the ground after his tigers, softly his feet hit the ground with fresh frost coming from his feet, he stepped onto the lake bed walking till he was in the middle of the lake
// he put his staff in the front of him, bunny looked and could hear his breathing he was panting at this point and he could see the kid tighting his hold on the staff
// all of a sudden....-
// he hit the butt of the staff really hard into the ground and it caused the lake to shatter beneath him, his feet were barely in the air for a few when his feet touched the water again and it froze again
// he was still screaming his head lifted more now
// bunny stopped, he just spoke but what was he saying he could think the earth was shaking under his feet the kid was shaking the earth with his rage, how was he so powerful
// he sawd a bit then fell to his knees falling to his side
"Frostbite!?" // bunny ran to him, his brothers already at his side
// he picked him up and tapped his face no reaction...out cold
"Come on..." // he opened a hole for his brothers to go first, they did and he went in to his warren
// he went to a little house he had and went to a bed and put him of it covering him up
// he was just as broken up about sandy as they where, I mean Jack would listen to sandy all the time when he was doing his work with his dream sand even if he couldn't see it, it still made him feel wonder and hope and other things he didn't know much about being alone.
// he would 'Talk' to sandy when they didn't look he didn't speak like sandy did and sandy was always happy to listen to the child laugh with him and talk back.....
// ............
"Rest well kiddo...."

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