Nightmares and Memories #2

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// they all got the signal and rushed over as fast as they could Phil came in and called north to the globe room
"I'll be back Jack stay and rest if you fall asleep we'll wake you if you panic all right."
// jack opens his eyes slowly they stick to his lower eye lids, he blinks for a few and nods slowly sighing
// north pats his head and leaves the room and into the globe room everyone was waiting tooth was flying about in a panic and sandy and bunny pacing
"My friends thank you for coming so quickly."
// he didn't smile
"North what's wrong? Why did you call us here?"
// bunny asked and tapped his foot he was worried
"North you don't look so good.."
// tooth looked at him and touched his face north sighed
"I'm's not about's about Jack."
"Jack!? What's wrong? is he okay?"
// bunny paniced at north and went up to him
"He is unwell, fever, threw up, sweating, and he is unable to sleep. He awoke from a nightmare and became sick not only that but he spoke. I call you to help me and see if you had medicine for him."
// bunny was shocked about all of it and the speaking part was more alarming I mean they have been teaching him how to speak but he never ends up doing it so they don't push it. bunny thought of what he might have
"From what ya say he has the flu..I have something for 'im, I need to go see 'im to see how bad and go back to the warren to get some things."
// he said
"Yes alright, but please be quiet when entering he is a bit jumpy right now."
// bunny nods
"Oh poor sweet tooth..."
"Once am done sandy can you give him some dream sand?"
// bunny asked, sandy nodded 
// bunny went down to jack's room and once reached it he opened the door slowly and walked in
// what he saw broke his heart
// jack was on the bed against ford breath slow but deep like he was dying...his face blushing a light frost blue color head tilted, sweating threw the shirt 
// bunny sat on the bed and ford held his head up and growled a bit not to scare but to say hello of sorts and to be quiet, bunny nods
"Hey snowflake.."
// he whispered, jack slowly opened one eye up and breathed a sigh one hand out of the covers grabbing the blanket
" 'ow ya feeling kiddo?"
// bunny started petting his head and jack leaned into it, he just shook his head
"North told me what happened, ya have a case of the flu and that's not good for a winter spirit like ya snowflake. But I'll make it betta and sandy will make sure ya have nice dreams afterwards."
// jack shook and sat up quickly shaking his head
"N-N-N..oooo!!" *cough hack cough*
// jack fell forward and covered his mouth
// bunny grabbed him and held him till he stopped
"Hey snowflake calm down!"
// jack was left panting and leaning against bunny
"It's alright snowflake.."
// jack shook his head 
"What happened snowflake? North said you had a nightmare."
// jack nodded but put his head in his chest he didn't want to talk about it, it was still fresh in his mind
// the heat in his head the pain of it hitting skull
// he pushed bunny and threw up again coughing loudly
*cough hack hack!*
// bunny held him up till it was over and rubbed his back like north did
"'s okay let it out...I got ya."
// jack didn't know he was crying now at this point
'I'm sorry....I-I can't...'
// he signed
"Don't be sorry, we'll figure it out okay?"
// he nods
"We need to get ya betta first but to do so ya must sleep it off all right?"
// he asked and jack held his head down, a slow nod soon followed after that
"Okay I'll be back soon okay.."
// he leaned jack on ford and covered him up, jack closed his eyes again and sighed
// sandy was at the door and then above jack
'should I do it now?'
// he said in shapes, bunny's nods
// he starts pouring dream sand on him and jack fell over more into ford and tord was under him holding him up jack's head on his neck and breathing deeply but it was somewhat calm
"Watch 'im please Sandy...I have a bad feeling about all this..."
// sandy nods and sits in a chair
"I'll be back soon.."
// he jumps into a hole and sandy waits for him to come back, tooth and north wait in the other room getting other things for jack and also waiting for their child to get well soon.

I will make this into more drawings but this story in done on this drawing. also sorry about the tiger its my first time drawing one xD

March 9th 2018.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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