I eat whatever.

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 the others where in the kitchen, north was eating cookies something he did when he was stress they where waiting for jack to change into a new hoodie 
"North ya grumby ya gonna choke eat to much at once."
"I can't help, eat when stressed."
// he said eating more and sandy laughed bunny shook his head and sighed
"Ya eat to many of those things."
"Why not cookies are good yes."
"What's a cookie?"
// just then jack was in his line of sight in the air upside down facing north, north was so shocked he spit his cookies out and they hit jack's face
// jack floating back quickly and fell to the floor blinking
// tooth yelled and helped jack wiping his face
"Sorry Jack you shocked me!"
// jack laughed
"Sorryz about that."
// he said
"And what do you mean what is cookie? you never had one?"
// jack shook his head
"You poor thing! you must have one!"
// he gave jack one 
"Hey don't give him sugar! he's still a kid ya know!"
// bunny yelled 
"So this iz a cookie?'"
// bunny turned back and saw jack's hand on the cookie slowly feeling it with his hand
"Itz feels so funny."
// he said and ate a bit of it and his eyes widened
"det er så bra!"
// he smiled big and laughed bunny couldn't help but smile
"That's good!" // north roared so did the tigers
"So you eat this all time?"
// he asked
"Yes, I eat more then this too."
// he said and jack tilted his head 
"You mean? there is more than this?"
// bunny eyes widened at that
"Yes mate there is a lot of other food besides cookies."
// jack gasped and smiled wide
"Wowz really? That's amazing! I never knew."
// he said and bunny frowned they all did and north jumped up and called yetis
"We must make you all food!"
// he sat jack in a chair at the table and jack felt the table and tilted his head a fork was in his hand
"What are?"
// he smelled something...good and he felt for the plate and ate what was on it
// he started eating and smiled bunny put a hand on his shoulder to slow down and tooth frowned and asked
"Jack? what do you normally eat?"
// he moved his head up and wiped his face
"I justs eats whatever Ford and Tord bring me."
// he pointed his finger up 
"Somes time my brothers bring bacckkk...."
// he stopped and they looked at him funny and jack sweardropped a bit 
// he said a laughed nervously and bunny rasied a brow at that
// he moved his head quickly away and stared forward
// he got up out of the chair and yelled
"vi må gå nå!"
// he grabbed his staff and flew out the window
"Hey Frostbite!?"
// he was gone and the others quickly got up
"We must hurry before we lose him!"
// north said
// and they followed jack to the little town that jack visited a lot in america

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