It's alright

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  // jack and the others were in Anna's room, she saw them and was very happy, jumping about and high pitch giggling was coming from her
"Your all here now."
// she said in an accent but no one could tell from where
"Hi there~ she can see us."
// she said to jack, and jack moved his head at this a bit
"Well most of us...."
// bunny said
// he looked over to jack and saw him smiling sadly, he slowly turned to leave so he didn't bug anyone
// jack needed air....well mainly wind, the wind was good at comforting him when he needed it
// they didn't notice but bunny did since he was looking at him and went outside with him, jack was standing next to his brother, the older one was licking his face again and the younger was pushing his arms over his head so jack was hugging him.
// jack turned a little but didn't let go of his brother, he nodded to bunny to let him know he heard him
"You know Frostbite.....I....sorry about what happened back there but don't let it bug ya to much, Hey are you listening to me?"
// jack was 'looking' else where and not even listening to bunny, and of course this was making bunny mad 
"Hey! Am trying to cheer ya up here ya know, can't you even listen to me-! Woah!"
// jack pulled him and pushed him to the ground
"What the bloody-!"
// a sharp looking weapon cut threw jack's shoulder causing jack to grunt loudly and arch forward 
// tooth yelled they came to his side checking him over, he was bleeding from his shoulder
"So you where able to pull him out of the way in time but you ended up getting hurt, That is pretty nice of you since these guys left you for so long, But your to nice for that huh?"
// he laughed and Jack got up and threw ice knives at him and hit a few nightmare horses
// pitch jumped jack at the end and threw him away like being pushed aside
"Am not here for you jack not yet, Am here for you sandman~"
// Sandy took out his whips and begin to fight with pitch while the others fought the nightmares, bunny went to jack
"You...why did you do that."
// jack shook his head sighing and giving him an annoyed look he moved his head up and flew up.

// bunny looked to were jack had flew up and was a little shocked that he gave him a look since jack had never before and it kind of made him mad since he was just asking a question, but he shook his head and soon joined the fight

// into the fight Sandy got hit by his spear and was going into darkness, jack jumped up and tried to save him with his ice magic but was to late he was gone and pitch threw an attack that covered jack in sand and soon jack was falling out of the sky made jack at high speeds


// one of the tigers caught him and toke him to Norths sleigh and tooth helped him down
// jack was pasted out shoulder bleeding more, he made a grunt noise when she touched it and she quickly pulled back
"We need to hurry and get him back to the pole North!"
// they raced to get jack back to the pole  

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