chapter 2

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Dance class:

Mrs.Helsweel :Good morning class,I hope your summer was great...well after last year's drama about Keaton closing down or not,we were glad Keaton is here to stay....this year is a chance for you guys to make Keaton proud,to make difficult decisions and decide on your future...this year is going to be tough and you will have to fight through.

There's going to be a dance play in a couple of weeks,if you're interested sign up immediately

Vanessa's POV

Mrs.Helsweel left the class after making the announcement, this is my chance to prove myself,the last two years I was not able to make my dream come true,I got hurt and almost ruined my whole future..its not going to happen again,I will have to make myself proud,I will have to make my parent proud.

I stood in front of the board holding the pen,I remembered when I got hurt and couldn't do anything,how everything was hard in school and at home and a single tear escaped my cheek,I rub it off with my hand and signed up as the lead....then after written it I thought about carly,what if,what if she's not happy with this,what if she planned on signing up for the same role..but then I stopped thinking Carly is my best friend she will understand, I know she will....I left the board to sit with Sasha.

"Are you okay?"Sasha asked me

"Yes I am okay"...I replied without looking at him

"I know something's wrong,you know you can always talk to me"...he said while holding my hand

"Its just this past year has been hard for me,me getting hurt,and not able to grab any opportunities that come my way,its frustrating"

"Well its okay now,you're not going to get hurt again,and you can sign up as the lead am sure you will do great"...he said while smiling at me

"That's the problem,I already signed up as the lead but what if Carly's up for the same role,what if we fight over this,I don't want to lose my best friend again,maybe I should just step down and if another play comes up I will sign up as the lead"....I said while standing up

"Vee, you are not going to step down,this is your year to shine,cee will understand she will,after doing nothing for the past year,you have a right to do this for yourself, make me proud Vee"...he said while holding out a fist pump

I smiled at him and pump his fist....."Thanks Sasha"

"That's my girl"...he said hugging me

Carly's POV

I went to the board and took the pen to write my name on the lead,then I saw Vee's name, why won't it be there, I knew she would have written her name there, but why did I come here in the first place,why does it always have to be me,an understudy again,I wrote my name as the understudy and left there to sit down on the bench when Beckett came to me

"Hey carly"... He said while smiling at me. why does he have to be this handsome

"What are you doing here"?I asked him

"Easy there,I was only greeting you am not here to bite you"...he said sitting down

"Sorry,its just that I have a lot on my mind and you wouldn't understand"

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