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Carly's POV

After what happened that night with Beckett,have been feeling guilty and finding it hard to face Vanessa,have been staying away from Vee lately and I know she will later find out the truth about what transpired between me and Beckett.,I don't want her to find out because I know it will hurt her and might jeopardise our friendship. Beckett has been trying to start a conversation with me but I can't bear to stay with him even for a minute.

Sooner or later am going to have to face Vee,I need all the courage in the world right now, I don't want to lose my best friend over a guy

While in my thought I felt a presence beside me,looking up it was none other than Beckett

"Carly,we need to talk" he said looking distantly into my eyes

"I don't think there's anything to talk about" I replied trying to walk away

"You can't just pretend nothing happened between us Carly, I know what we did was bad but sooner or later we will have to talk about it, we can't keep pretending nothing happened" he said while holding my hand

"Beckett, I know I will have to face it sooner or later but why can't you just understand I can't deal with this,I don't want to lose my best friend, I can't afford to lose her" I said with tears filling my eyes,I turned away from Beckett not allowing him to see me cry.

Beckett turn me around,now facing him with wet eyes, he lifted up my chin and wiped the tears off my cheeks,am trying so hard to forget him and this stupid feeling but him doing all this is making it difficult to me and then out of no where he kissed me.....again

I pushed him off" what's wrong with you,I can't believe this"I yelled at him

"I....I like you Carly" he said looking into my eyes

"Are you crazy or what,you can't possibly like me,Vee is your girlfriend and she's my best friend how can you do this to her" I said boiling with anger

"Don't I have the right over my feelings,I like you Carly I want to be there for you,I want to be the one who comforts you and make you happy"

"What about Vee" I asked him waiting for an answer

He looks down"I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know,what are you going to do about her,what do you feel about her,won't you feel bad hurting her" I yelled at him

"I will feel bad hurting her but I like you Carly,I really like you and she will understand,she will be happy for us"

"She will understand,she will be happy,wow Beckett wow,how will she understand,I can't believe you Beckett" I walked out on him

I know I like him but this is unfair,I can't do this, I am not that wicked to destroy someone's happiness.....

Vanessa's POV

I don't know why Cee has been acting weirdly since that party,she's been avoiding me and I don't why,I tried talking to Beckett but he's been cold towards me,what's happening with them. Its been kinda lonely these days,I was given the part of the lead role in the upcoming play and without my best friend around its been tough

Dance practice was hectic,Carly walked in not long before Beckett came in,their expressions was not friendly at all,I wonder what's wrong them.

Few minutes later, Mrs heswell freed us,I went to Carly and sat next to her

"Hey" I said quietly


"Why are you avoiding me" I said out of no where

"I Am not avoiding you Vee"

"So what do you call what you are doing"

"I was caught up with something,I was really busy,am sorry if you felt like I was avoiding you"

"What are you so busy with Carly,I really needed Someone to talk to these few days but you were not there" I stopped almost immediately

"I Am really sorry Vee,I wont do that again"



"You know you can never keep me angry for too long "

"I Am just too lovable" she said joking

"Indeed you are" I replied smiling

I was happy talking to Carly again we agreed on a sleepover at my house to catch up on things.

It has been great since Carly arrived,we played lot and lots of games,eating snacks,talking about boys before we now finally settled down on a movie, I would say the movie is really Heartbreaking two friends fighting over a guy,I can't ever imagine that happening to me and Cee,we are like sisters we can never fight

"If you were in her shoes,what would you do" Carly asked out of no where

I was dumbfounded,I didn't know what to say"I guess I will be happy for them"I said unsure, I didn't really think it through because I know I won't be in that situation ever

"You sure"

"I Am sure"

That question really bordered me but its just a stupid thing,I waved it off my mind and enjoyed the night with Carly, having my best friend back is like fulfilling my heart desire......

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