chapter 10

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Beckett's POV

I looked at Vanessa and noticed she seems uneasy

"Vanessa, are you okay" Before I finished my words, she fell down

"Vanessa, hey look at me" I quickly rushed her to the school nurse

The nurse attended to her and left saying she needs to rest that I should call her when she wakes up..... Now looking at Vanessa I noticed her wrapped up hand, I wondered how she got cut this bad..... I stared at her eyes and noticed how pale she looks..... What happened to the bubbly Vanessa, the Vanessa that's always smiling and making sure nobody's hurt..... I did this to her, I changed Vee into this....

My eye lids felt heavy and I hold in my tears so it won't fall. Moments later Sasha came in looking furious

"What have you done to her" He said fuming at me

"Hey, cool down bro.... I didn't do anything to her, I promise, she..... She just fainted" I said trying to cool Sasha down

"And you expect me to believe that, you've been nothing but trouble since you came here and all the terrible things you did to her... How low would you go Beckett, haven't you done enough already, why don't you leave her already she's already trying hard to forget what you and Carly did to her but you just won't leave her alone would you.... "He half yelled at me

" I know what I did was bad but I am trying to mend my mistakes, can't you give me a chance to do that"I said to Sasha

"So you could hurt again.... i'M not taking that risk,if you know what's best for you I suggest you go" He said angrily

"Sasha I.... "

"Just go...... For Vanessa " He said the last part like a whisper and so I decided to leave not before glancing back at Vanessa.

"What is going on with you Vanessa" I thought before walking out the door


Sasha's POV

What's wrong with Vee, it's like she's getting far from everyone day by day, she's not herself and she won't talk to me.... I noticed her reaction when I asked what happened to her hand and her reply confirmed that's she's lying.....

What's going on with you Vee


Vanessa's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around my surroundings and noticed I was in the school clinic..... But how did I got here, then it hit me... I had fainted when talking to Beckett

"Vee, are you okay" I heard a familiar voice

"Sasha, I am okay" I looked at him

"No, you're not okay..... Please will you tell me what's wrong with you, please Vee" I said pleadingly....and there it was, tear slid down here cheek

"Sasha" She said her voice breaking

"Yes, tell me what's it"

"It's just been hard lately, with my parents divorce... Mum moved out and it's been long i see her, dad is moving to Maine, my best friend is against me, my so called boyfriend betrayed me and its just been hard lately, I go home everyday and all I see is the emptiness left, the loneliness and I just can't seem to get it off my head, it's like I am going insane Sasha and there's nobody to help me"it feels so good letting this off my head finally

"Vee, I thought we were supposed to be friends, why didn't you tell me" He said looking at me

"I didn't want to trouble you, you're already troubled already with your studies and I didn't want to be a burden"

"You're not a burden to me Vee, you're my best friend and I will do anything for you.... Please promise me you will never hide anything from me"

"I promise" I smiled and looked at my best friend, I am so lucky to have Sasha

Beckett's POV

I stood with my back resting on the door of the clinic listening to Vanessa's word

"She was going through a lot and I betrayed her..... I hurt her" I kept repeating to myself and left from there

"How did I become a monster that could stoop so low to do this to a person" I thought to myself

Sorry the chapter is a little short and am so so so sorry for updating late....i will be uploading maybe later this week. The story will soon be coming to an end .

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Love you guys always 😘😘😘

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