Chapter 9:

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Making my way back towards my car, I realised that I had never got to send that text to Lucas and James, and so reaching into my pocket with my swollen right hand, I pulled out my cell phone. My phone lit up with three missed calls from Lily, all from about twenty minutes ago. She had tried to call me, she must have needed me and I never even heard my phone over all the music in the hall, I had let her down. What if something had happened to her and I wasn't there for her when she needed me most? My mind began to worry and wander off thinking of all the horrible things that could have possibly happened to Lily. I had to know where she was. That's when I realised she had also sent me a text telling me she was on her way home, at least now I knew where she was.

Running as quickly as I could towards my car, I soon reached it in the now much more packed car park. Fumbling for the keys with my swollen hand, the pain was not what was on my mind, only what had happened and where was Lily? Swiftly pulling out of the school car park, I felt all my emotions begin to build up inside me; rage, worry, fear and many more, my head was spinning as I pushed my foot against the throttle and made my way towards the Jones' house. The warm evening air forced its way through the half opened window as I forced myself to stay focused on the long and empty road ahead. One advantage of the Jones' living on the edge of town had to be the long, and often empty, dust roads where you could really let off some steam.

Little over a mile or so from the school, I noticed the familiar outline of that red dressed beauty stumble along the edge of the road, head bowed towards the ground as her dress dragged along behind her. Her arms slumped to her sides as she made her way along the road, her shoulders visibly shaking from the tears which I soon noticed where flowing from her innocent eyes. She may have been upset and down, but I was more glad than ever to see Lily; I was glad she was safe.

I gently brought my car to a halt just in front of Lily, who too came to a stop, looking up through teary eyes towards me as I hopped out of the car. I made my way towards her weary body where, without a word, she looped her arms around me and we embraced in one of the deepest hugs I have ever shared with her. She rested her head on my shoulder as she turned her head inward towards me, crying on my chest. I attempted to comfort her as she sobbed rubbing her back as a way of ensuring her that everything was going to be ok, but for a while that didn't seem to work.

Finally I broke the deathly silence, "Lily, I don't know what went on with you and Max, but I promise, I will never let him hurt you again." I told her softly as she looked up with those huge blue eyes falling into line with mine, and forced a smile to cross her tear stained face.

"Thank you Josh, but I'm sorry for making you miss prom and drive all the way over here for me" She whimpered, attempting to wipe her eyes off with the back of her hand.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I would miss prom to be with you, and besides, it's not like they're going to let me in again now" I smirked giving her a glimpse of my bruised hand. She began to ask what happened before it occurred to her and she smiled, again thanking me unneeded. "Come on, let's get you home"


The drive home was filled with silence as Lily rested her head against the cold window pain as she stared out at the darkening night sky. The forming moon seemed to light up her eyes and make the tears sparkle in a w ay which made, even them, seem perfect. I just wish there was some way that I could help her feel better, but I guess that was just going to take time.

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