Chapter 2

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  "What mum no way that is not fair she was as much a part of it as we were," Her mum pointed at the door, "out now." We stormed out sending nasty glares in Skylar's direction, the nastiest one coming from Tessa, she just ruined her flawless record.

     The school bell rang signaling the end of the day and the beginning of detention for those who got it like us. I quickly stopped at my locker shoving in my books from last period before heading over to the art room. I walked in quickly glancing at Mr Blackwell our math teacher who would be in charge of us today.

      He glared daggers at me as I shrugged my bag off and slumped into my seat. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram before I heard a loud click of heels coming towards the art room.

      In walked Lisa, Liza and the wannabes. Lisa looked around the room before taking the seat next to me, she smiled and then glanced down at my phone, "did your runaway parents buy you that new phone or did your stupid excuse for siblings spend their last peanuts on it."

     "Did daddy pay for that terrible nose job or did you just get slammed against a wall by your trash excuse for a twin." She opened her mouth to respond but I cut her off, "oh wait was it the apple I threw at your face?" I let out with a snicker, "would you like me to fix it?" she tried to respond again but I simply turned away and shoved my ear buds into my ears.

    A couple minutes later, in walked Dylan and a couple of his friends, including Justin. He was the cutest, sweetest, smartest guy in our year and everyone either liked him or wanted to be him and so did I. He passed by my desk giving me a small wave which I returned with a large grin and an over exaggerated wave.

    "No way Cam, you and your group of 'Skittle Lovers' or whatever you guys used to call yourselves got detention before me?" We all sent him a glare except for Bella, she took things a step further by shoving him into a shelf, using her height and strength to do this.

    Dylan stumbled and hit the shelf again causing it sway which in turn caused a bucket of paint to tip over spilling all over him. Dylan responded with a loud girly screech and we all burst out laughing.

    Bella received a bucket of paint on her soon after causing us all to gasp. She retaliated with tossing another bucket at him but he moved and it hit Cam.

    Before long there was paint everywhere and every single one of us including Lisa and her gang were covered head to toe in paint, well except Tessa she had gone off to the bathroom before this all happened.

     "What in the world happened here!?" Mrs Moore screeched as she walked in. "That's an extra hour for all of you, and I want to speak to all-" her sentence was cut short by a small 'woah' and snicker from behind the door, "Tessa where were you?"

    Tessa quickly explained her whereabouts and was excused from detention. She hurriedly scurried out of the room but not before mouthing a quick sorry.

     "The rest of you follow me!" Mrs Moore squeezed out through gritted teeth. We all grabbed our stuff and followed her down to the old music room in the basement, "behave."

     We nodded and started cleaning, but it wasn't long before we got distracted again. Each of us grabbed an instrument and started clowning around, producing a sound that was similar to a whale giving birth to a bigger whale. It was all fun and games until some people got a little carried away and broke a couple things causing us to be kicked out of detention and sent home. Having missed the bus I was forced to walk home with the others.

     We all tried to slow down the pace of our steps, knowing what awaited us once we reached our houses.

    Eventually we reached the corner of the street where the group split up and  went our separate ways.

   "YOU!" Janelle spat as I walked in, "Mrs Moore called me today and said you were nothing but trouble today, I trusted you Jas I had faith that you would change." She looked at me, "you're grounded,"

    I looked back at her with almost as much anger, "you can't freaking ground me Janelle you're not my mother and you will never be anything but a mean sister!" I yelled and ran out of the house, grabbed my bike a rode to the library.

    It used be my grandmother Sarah's library but she passed away and I inherited it because she knew I loved books more than the rest of the family, it was my safe spot.
   I ran up the steps to the loft and sat there crying when I felt a hand hug me, "hey don't cry you're okay , it will all be okay."

That is chapter 2.. so thank you for reading I hope you like it.


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