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John's pov

I wake up to my alarm beeping. I turn it off and walk to my siblings doors and wake them up. I pick out there clothes.

I put in the uniform and knock on the guys door. These idiots I walk in and wake them up.

"Uh Jacky? What are you doing here" James said.

"We have to get to get to a remember"

"OH SHIT"He gets up and yells at everyone to get up before there late.

I walk out laughing and go down stairs. Mrs. And Mr. Washington are still sleep.

Well we're going to miss the bus. I walk in the kitchen and make pancakes and bacon and eggs. Martha,Henry,and Mary eat and go to the bus at least they didn't miss the bus.

I wake up Mr. and Mrs. Washington"Jacky what are you doing up" Mr. Washington said"It's 7:30 sir"

"HOLY CRAP MARTHA WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE" Mrs. Washington shoots up"breakfast is also on the table"

"Thank you so much Jacky" she said looking threw her closet.

I go upstairs to check on the boys. The are puting  their shoes on"breakfast is on the table"I say loud enough so they can hear.

"Thanks Jacky for waking me up" James said

"No problem"

I walk out and sit at the empty table and start eating. The boys walk down the stairs while the Washingtons come out of there room.

They sit down at the table and start eating"umm this taste delicious mom" Alex says"I didn't cook it I thought you guys cooked it" they looked confused

"Um I-I-I c-cooked it sorry" I say looking down.

"Why would you say sorry this is amazing" herc said I smile

"Well my dad would get mad at me then yell at me then he would hi-tell me to go finish cooking"

they looked concerned"oh but now you live with use"Alex grinned ear to ear.

time skip to hell or you may call it school*

i walk to my looker"wow you're so pretty"Eliza said closing my locker 

"who do you keep you're hair curly with out getting frizzy"Peggy said poping out of nowhere.

"uh,oh hey guys oh and thank you and Peggy i put my hair up in a bun before going to sleep"{i don't know if that's true OK}.

the bell rings I run to class waving to them. I walk in and sit down next to Alex he was smiling. i was wearing a baggy hoodie so no can see me wearing my binder. The class time went by fast> Soon the whole day was over I was walking back to the house with Alex,Herc,Laff,Thomas,James,Peggy,and Eliza.{the author put Peggy at the end and felt bad so switched Peggy and Eliza's places lmao}

"yo we should play kiss,marry,kill"Thomas said"Jacky you go first me,James,and Peggy"Thomas then said with a grin"bets on kill"they said Peggy in a union. She looks down and whimpers.

"um i would kill......"Peggy looks over to the side"Thomas,I would kill Thomas kiss James and marry Peggy"she looks up surprised"r-really most people would kill me"  "well i'm not most people am I"I smile.

Thomas on the other hand looks shook"Anyway we went easy on Jacky because she is new,Alex smash marry kill Eliza Thomas Jacky"

"Oh easy"

"Please kill me you and Thomas are friends and I want to be killed"I say I just didn't really care about my life if my friends are in danger I would legit jump off a building for them.

"Marry Eliza kiss Jacky and kill Thomas"

"I understand completely" Thomas said smiling

We all laughed

Time skip to when they are at home

I was in my room changing when Alex walks in"hey Jacky dinners real-time what is that"

"It's a bra"

"It's doesn't look like a bra it's looksore like a...."

"a....?"I asked nervously.

"A binder are you...ya know"

I close the door"yes I am trans please don't tell Martha and George I'll tell them at dinner"

"You better"

"Ok I'll be down in a minute"

With that he left and I got of my school close into some comfortable close

I walked down stairs and sat down

It was quiet I looked up at Alex and looked back at me

It's time

"Mrs. and Mr. Washington I have something to tell you".

"What is it honey" Martha said


CLIFF HANGER I KNOW SORRY but I had to do it ya know also I'm mad cause my 'friends keep using gay as a insult and they know I'm pansexual and it's makes me really mad anyway see you next chapter soon BYEEEEEE

-soon to be dead leo

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