A lair

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We sitting in the classroom. "Mr.Washingmachine I'm sick"
"John don't be a lair cause you know what that means lair lair pants on fire"

John then sets his pants on fire I grabbed me water bottle and poured it on Johns pants and continued my work.

"Alex why the fuck are you so calm, John set his pants ON FIRE" Laff yelled

"Laff this is John"
"You right you right as hell"

"What the fuck ok class we about to watch blues clues cause we can"

Everyone was cheering

We started watching and John just raged

Everyone was laughing wtf is happening today


I'm losing my feeling and color, my veins are grey and I can't feel love.

Your slowly fading. I'm losing you. Your fading into a monster.

Your fading into me.
I was you. But you're fading and fading into a monster.

That monster likes to wear dark clothes.
You liked to wear bright clothes.
They told you to never change.
But you did.

You did and your a monster.

That monster is ruining you.
It's- it's ruining me.

You said " just close your eyes you will be alright".

Your a liar.
But then again...
So am I.

I am that monster.


new~lams middle school au trans!johnWhere stories live. Discover now