Chapter Three

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TheNext Morning:

The family woke up feeling refreshed, and well rested. There were so many plans that they had made days before, and it was time to put their plans in action. Everyone was excited for everything they had planned, and was ready to get the day started as soon as possible. So Alexis and the in-laws went downstairs to start some coffee, and George had the job of going to get Angelica up, and around so they could leave soon. Smiling, he went down the hall from his bedroom to get his daughter out of bed. He knocked three times before entering,but he wasn't ready to see what was behind Angelica's door.

In the corner of her room, there she was, her body contorted like a deformed pretzel, more scratches on the wall, and she had scrapes and bruises, and scratches and cuts. There were also pieces of her wall that had been pulled away, and thrown across the room, George couldn't believe his eyes, his poor innocent daughter, it brought him to tears. He didn't know what to do, he just stood there sobbing for what seemed like forever.

Meanwhile,back downstairs everyone had the coffee prepared and were discussing what they were going to do today, but the conversation came to an immediate stop whenever they heard George screaming for help. They all ran upstairs to Angelica's room, and saw why he was screaming.Alexis dropped to her knees screaming and crying.

"Go call Father Bradley and Dr. Andrew, and tell them to get her as quickly as they can. It's an emergency!" George shouted.

Without any questions, Josephine ran down the hall to her room, grabbed her phone and began to make the phone calls. While she was gone, George was going to attempt to get Angelica at least on her bed.

"Dad,come help me." he said, with a struggle.

His dad ran over to George, and helped get Angelica get to the bed, by this time her body loosened up some and they were able to move her. Josephine eventually ran back.

"They said they would be here within the hour, and to have restraints ready on the bed, because this time might be a bit worse than the others.We have to be prepared for anything to happen." she explained.

So Alexis got out some rope, then she and Josephine made restraints on both poles of Angelica's bed. Making sure this time that they were nice, and tightly secured, that way there would be now way for Angelica to escape whenever they placed her hands in the restraints.Once everything was in place and Angelica was finally back in her bed, they just stood there waiting until the Priest and the doctor arrived.

They got there within thirty minutes, because traffic wasn't too bad, but they didn't waste anytime, they needed to get to work on things and fast. So Father Bradley set up the things he was going to need for the exorcism, and Dr. Andrew got out the things he was going to need to monitor Angelica's heartbeat, and pulse. Before they began, there were a few things they needed to be warned about.

"This time is way worse than the last time. We have no idea who or what is manifesting inside of your daughter's body. Just remember, don't listen to what it tells you, because it isn't your daughter that is speaking to you." Father Bradley said. "Also don't go near her unless I tell you to restrain her, or to remove the restraints, if I feel that it is safe enough to do so."

"How will you know that she has come back to us?" Alexis asked.

"Usually when her voice goes back to normal, and she is able to talk to us is usually a good sign that she is back." Father Bradley said.

" Just remember, stay safe, and listen to everything he tells you to do, no matter what. It doesn't matter how much you think you are helping,you must not intervene." Josephine added.

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