Saturday Movie

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"AHHHHHHHH, VIRGIL THAT'S AMAZING!" Patton squealed through the phone, causing Virgil to move his phone away from his ear. "I'm so proud of you! You actually kissed him!" Patton said, very clearly proud of his best friend.

"Well, it was just a kiss on the cheek. Plus, he probably just thought it was because we're fake dating." Virgil says, looking at his lap, blushing. It was early on Saturday, so he wasn't wearing his foundation or contacts, so his blush was visible along with his freckles.

"But you still did it, and that's what matters!" Patton exclaims, pushing his glasses up his nose. Virgil hears a knock on his door, causing him to stand up, confused. He looks out the peephole on his door, gasping quietly.

"Patton, I-I gotta go." Virgil says quickly before hanging up. Roman was outside his door. He quickly ran upstairs to his bathroom, putting in his contacts. "Okay, now it's just time for foundation." He mumbles, another knock on his door, Roman calling out his name. "Uh, one second!" He calls, putting his foundation on.

After doing that, he runs back downstairs, taking a deep breath. He opens the door, a small smile on his face. "Hey, Roman." He says, slightly out of breath. Roman smiles at him. "What's up?"

"Can't a guy visit his fake boyfriend on Saturday morning? I'm supposed to be cliché, after all." Roman says, with a laugh. Virgil chuckles quietly. "May I come in?" He asks. Virgil nods, standing aside so Roman could walk into his house.

"I'd appreciate if you warned me next time you want to come over, though." Virgil mumbles quietly. Roman didn't seem to notice, as he was looking around at Virgil's house. "Sit down on the couch, I'll be back." Virgil says. Roman nods, sitting on the couch in the living room. Virgil quickly walks up his stairs, putting his glasses in the case and setting them in the drawer he always put them in, setting his foundation next to it. He walks back downstairs, sitting next to Roman.

"Why'd you leave?" Roman asks, gently grabbing Virgil's hand. Virgil blushes lightly, shaking his head.

"Doesn't matter." Virgil says, leaning back on his couch. "What do you want to do today, Sir Sing-A-Lot?" He asks, causing Roman to laugh quietly at the nickname.

"I was thinking, maybe we could watch a movie." Roman suggests. Virgil thinks for a moment. 'That doesn't sound too bad.' He then nods.

"Yeah, okay. Just let me call Patton really quick." Virgil says, pulling out his phone. Roman gives him a confused look, silently telling him to explain. "We were talking before you showed up and I hung up really suddenly. I just need to tell him that im okay." Virgil explains, clicking the call button on Patton's contact. Roman nods, and Virgil walks into the kitchen.

"Virgil! What happened? When you hung up, you sounded kinda worried or scared." Patton says. Virgil sighs.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Roman knocked on the door and I didn't have my contacts in. I had to quickly put them in, don't worry. But I gotta go now. We're going to watch a movie." Virgil explains.

"Okay, bye-bye, Virge!" Patton says, causing Virgil to smile before hanging up. He walks back over to the living room, his smile fading almost completely.

"Okay, what movie are we watching?" Virgil asks, causing Roman to think for a minute. After a moment of silence between the two, Roman snaps his fingers.

"How about Tangled?" Roman suggests. Virgil nods, and plays the movie on his TV. Roman wraps an arm around Virgil's shoulders, pulling him closer. Virgil rolls his eyes, but focuses on the movie.

A little bit into the movie, Virgil feels himself starting to slip into unconsciousness. He tries to stay awake, but he eventually gives up, closing his eyes, and leaning his head on Roman's chest. Roman smirks, kissing the top of Virgil's head, before turning back to watch the movie. He watches the movie, running his hand through Virgil's hair.

"Hey, Virgil, I have to go." Roman says after the movie ends softly, trying to wake Virgil. Virgil stirs, but doesn't get up, cuddling closer to Roman. Roman chuckles quietly, gently shaking Virgil's body. Virgil groans, slowly sitting up. "I have to go, love. Sorry to wake you."

"It's fine." Virgil says, sleepily. He stretches his arms and pops his back, trying to wake himself up more. "You can go now." He says, yawning quietly.

"Okay. Goodbye, Virgil." Roman says, kissing Virgil's cheek softly, before getting up and walking towards the door. "See you tomorrow." He says. And with that, he leaves. Virgil feels his face heat up, and then he realizes something.

"God dammit! I fell asleep in my contacts.." He mumbles, standing up and slowly walking to the bathroom. He takes them out, putting them away, looking at himself in the mirror. His eyes were red and dry. He sighs, grabbing some eye drops he had for moments like this, and squeezes a drop into each of his eyes, blinking.

He then puts his glasses on, and walks to his room. He falls backwards onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. He decides to call Patton to see if he wants to come over and hang out, mainly because he was bored but he couldn't leave the house now.

"Hey, Virge. What's up?" Patton says through the phone, smiling happily. Virgil yawns silently, before he speaks.

"Wanna come over and hang out? Roman just left and I'm bored and I can't leave." Virgil says, staring at the ceiling, letting his mind wander.

"Yeah sure! But why can't you leave?" Patton asks.

"I fell asleep while Roman and I were watching the movie and I had my contacts in, so now I have to wear my glasses for today. Hopefully, I'll be able to wear my contacts tomorrow." Virgil explains.

"Oh, okay. I'll be over soon. Bye-Bye!" Patton says. Virgil mumbles a goodbye before hanging up. 'I hate having glasses. It's so stupid.' He thinks, looking over at the cat plush that was on his bedside table. 'Roman is not gonna see that. He'd probably tease me about it forever.' He thinks, sighing, and grabbing the plush.

"This isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. These are actually fairly sweet." Virgil mumbles. He hears a knock downstairs, and gets up to answer it, setting the cat plush back on his bedside table. He walked downstairs, opening the door, smiling at Patton. "Hey." He says, letting Patton walk inside.

"Okay, I need details. You don't explain things well over the phone." Patton says, causing Virgil to blush lightly. He motions for Patton to follow him upstairs to his room where they talk about this whole fake relationship thing.

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