The Bet

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"Face it, stupid. I'm not going to change my mind!" Virgil says, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at Roman. The older male places a hand on his hip as he did so often, glaring back at Virgil. "They are cheesy, annoying, and stupid!" Roman opens his mouth to speak, but gets cut off by Logan.

"Stop it!" Logan says loudly, standing up. Everyone turns to face him, Virgil and Patton jumping slightly at the sudden noise. "I have an idea. You two will be in a fake relationship for, let's say, a week. It will be the most cliché thing Roman can make it. By the end, if Virgil's opinion changes, awesome! You two can stop arguing. And if it doesn't, sorry Roman, but that means you lost. Either way, you two have to stop arguing by the end of it." He says, adjusting his glasses slightly.

"Y'know, that might actually work.." Roman mumbles. Virgils gasps quietly, glaring at him, and shaking his head. "Oh c'mon, my Chemically Imbalanced Romance, it won't be that bad." He says, causing Virgil to roll his eyes. Roman holds out his hand for Virgil to shake. "Plus, you'll finally be able to prove how much you hate them."

"Fine, whatever. But only because I want to shut you up." Virgil says, shaking Roman's hand after thinking for a moment. Roman smirks, and kisses Virgil's hand gently, causing Virgil to blush lightly. No one notices because of the foundation he wears, but he notices.

"May the best man win." Roman says, smirking at Virgil. Virgil rolls his eyes, yanking his hand away from Roman, trying to ignore how warm his cheeks were. The bell rings, and everyone starts leaving.

"You're lucky I didn't slap you, Princey." He says, before walking off to class. Roman shakes his head, chuckling, and walking to class with Logan and Patton. Virgil's mind was racing. 'Oh god, what did I get myself into? This is going to go so wrong so fast. Everyone's going to find out about my stupid fucking crush on Roman and I'm going to be teased.' He thinks, sitting in his seat.

Roman, on the other hand, was so excited. 'Finally I can prove to him that clichés aren't stupid or annoying. But where should I take him for our first date? What pet name should I use?' He wonders, staring off into space. He basically spends the entire class period trying to plan everything.


"Patton, what the actual fuck did I get myself into?" Virgil asks as the two walk home from school that day. Patton was the only person that knew of Virgil's crush on Roman, and Virgil made him swear that he wouldn't tell anyone. "Like, seriously, this could go so wrong so quickly in so many ways! What if he tries to kiss me? What the fuck am I supposed to do then? I've never kissed anyone!"

"Virgil, calm down. It's going to be fine. Also, stop swearing!" Patton scolds him, kindly, somehow. Virgil sighs, and nods, mumbling an apology. "I'm sure it's going to be fine! Maybe you could even confess! I mean, you have liked him for, what, two years now?" Virgil looks at the ground as they walked.

"I mean, yeah. But there's no way in hell that I could confess! He could reject me, he could laugh at me, he could start teasing me, there's so many things that could go wrong." Virgil says, messing with the sleeves of his hoodie.

"But that's not who Roman is. He's not going to laugh at or tease you. He's not that type of guy. The worst he'll do is reject you, and even then he'll still want to be your friend." Patton says, smiling reassuringly at Virgil. Virgil takes a deep breath, nodding.

"You're right. I don't know if I'll confess, though. But I'm not as anxious as I was. Thanks, Patton." Virgil says, smiling slightly. Patton smiles, hugging Virgil tightly. Virgil hugs him back happily.

"It's no problem, Virge." Patton said, pulling away from the hug. The two continued walking, but eventually had to split up as they lived in different neighborhoods. Virgil's mind continued to race. He tried to ignore them, but that's easier said than done. 'What if he tries to kiss me? What if he asks me out for real? God, what the fuck did I get myself into?'

Virgil sighs loudly, walking into his room. He falls forward down onto his bed, and his phone rings. He looks at it, seeing it's Roman's contact. He takes a deep breath, answering the call. "What's up,  stupid?" He asks, sounding more annoyed then intended.

"Chill out, Hot Topic, I had a question." Roman says with a small laugh. Virgil rolls his eyes even though it's not visible, and tells Roman to continue. "Are we starting this bet tomorrow or Monday?" He asks, causing Virgil to think for a minute.

"Tomorrow, I guess. I just want to get this stupid bet over with." The younger male mumbles, causing Roman to chuckle.

"Got it, thanks. See ya tomorrow, fake boyfriend." Roman says, obviously smirking. Virgil blushes lightly, rolling his eyes once more.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. See ya then." Virgil mumbles, hanging up the phone. He sets it next to it on his bed, before burying his face in his pillow, groaning loudly. "God dammit, my stupid fucking need to prove myself got me into the dumbest bet ever. This week is going to be the worst week of my life." He mumbles to himself into his pillow.

After that, Virgil slowly changes into pajamas, and tries to get as much sleep as he can, which is not much.

Clichés [A Prinxiety Highschool AU]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon