(3) Niall

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Liam and I had finally begun the road trip, driving through the open area as the midsummer winds pushed through the small cracks of the window. It felt really nice, but so did the slight AC that was on to cool us off.

Even if the cold air was well against us, Liam had the nerve to pull off his shirt qnd toss it in the back seat. I rolled my eyes as a result, keeping mine on as Liam continued to drive like it was normal.

To him it was fine to be shirtless and bare because of how fit and gorgeous he was, but I was the total opposite, having to keep my clothes on to actually feel comfortable.

He reassures me each time that I don't have to cool off the way he does, but it's obvious that he doesn't want to see my body, even if I enjoy seeing his while wanting to see way more.

Letting him drive was enough though, and asking for anything more would be a crime.

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