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"Whoop! My first hunt." Skye smiled as she and Everest walked to meet the day's hunting party. The former rogue had been with the pack for two weeks and had easily settled into the hierarchy well.
"Hi girls." A dark grey wolf smiled, running to join them, closely followed by a chocolate coloured canine.
"Wocky, wait up."
"Hi Rocky, Hi Zuma." Everest smiled.
"Hi boys." Skye replied. "Zuma why are you limping?"
"Uh, well, ya see..." He stammered.
"Let's just say we got a teensy bit carried away last night." Rocky smirked.
"I wish I'd never asked." Skye cringed, laughing with the others. Silence fell over the pack as Chase howled to gain everyone's attention. Skye looked at him; his fur shining in the sun, eyes glistening like jewels and she could faintly see his muscles twitch beneath his coat. She smiled slightly without realising and felt her heart warm, now a familiar feeling. Everest noticed and smiled.
"Okay everyone. Two groups - one with Everest, one with Zuma. Ev will cover East and Zuma, West. Understood?" The party scattered into the two groups, easily dividing themselves as equally as possible. Skye was about to join Everest when she heard Chase speak again.
"Not you Skye. You're with me." Skye looked at him, slightly shocked and noticed Sweetie giving her the evil eye from afar. "Okay everyone, we're back no later than nightfall. Gather here for a head count." The groups split off and Skye ran after Chase who was already heading North.

The two passed the creek where Chase had found Skye those two weeks ago and were sniffing out a deer trail.
"They're close." Skye smiled. "I can feel it."
"Agreed." Chase looked over his shoulder and for a second, he and the lower ranking female locked eyes. He saw them sparkle with something he'd never seen before. Passion. Excitement. Curiosity.

"Look into her eyes, and you'll see how much she wants it."

Those words from the elder rang in his head.


As much as his father had told him that he and Sweetie would have to learn to love one another, he wasn't too sure that they did or ever would. Looking at Skye now made the alpha's spine tingle, heart pound and face heat up. As much as he knew he should, he didn't want to look away. Skye sniffed the air while Chase was still staring.
"Chase, something's off." She hissed.
"Hmmm." He hummed to himself, not really listening.
"Chase!" Skye whispered, a little more desperately.
"Huh What?" He said, a little too loudly. Out of nowhere, a large, rogue wolf pounced on Chase, catching him off guard and slightly wounding his side. Skye sprang forward and pushed him off. The dark grey animal stalked closer to her until Chase stepped in front of her, blocking his path. Skye noticed the unfamiliar wolf was still slowly making his way towards her and her alpha. She stood by him and cowered, her head against Chase's neck. The brown wolf continued to growl and stand tall, finally sending the other away in defeat.

Skye sighed and stepped away.
"Chase you're bleeding. Let's go clean you up." Chase looked at her, fury in his eyes.
"To hell with that! Care to explain what that was all about?"
"You cowered! Wolf code - show no fear!" He barked.
Skye glared and snapped back. "Wolf code - protect your pack! I was acting so I could shield your throat!"
"I don't need you to protect me! I'm the alpha here!"
"You're in my pack so like it or not I have to! Besides I'm always going to protect the one I love! That's right - I love you Chase!"
"Well that's perfect Skye because I love you too!" The two were still yelling and now nose to nose. Their expressions softened as they let their words settle in the air.
"But...Sweetie?" Skye was the first to break the silence.
"Forget her, us being together is what my dad wants, not me." Chase stepped closer.
"So you're going to tell them?"
"Not today. But I will when the time is right. He won't take too kindly." Skye hung her head. An action to which Chase responded with by lifting it up again with his nose.
"It'll all work out in the end, you'll see."
Skye nodded. "Okay. But just between us for now?"
He nodded. "Fine. Now let's go find a creek to clean you up." She nuzzled the alpha's neck.

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