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"You ready yet Skye?" Chase called into the deeper part of the cave.
"Nearly. Sirriah come back here!" Came the response. The alpha chuckled as the Luna tried to control their two month old pups. Caspin, the boy who looked just like his father, trotted out almost angelically and stood by his father. Finally, a slightly tired Skye walked behind a hyper Sirriah. Their daughter looked exactly like Skye.
"Come here," Chase smiled, licking down a few stray furs down on his mate.
"Thanks my love." Skye smiled. "Ready for this?"
"Never more so." It was the first day that the pack would see the pups. Of course, their friends had visited but the first day that the entire pack would see them. The pup's presentation day. Everest poked her head through the cave entrance with Bella at her side. Marshall was on the opposite side of the opening with Tammy stood by him.
"Ready?" Everest asked excitedly.
"Ready." The alpha pair confirmed. Skye made a few last minute checks to make sure the pups were tidy before they heard the beta pair howl to gain the packs attention.
"Time to shine." Skye smiled, and nudged her pups gently. They walked between their parents as they stood on the outside of their cave on a high rock overlooking the territory. Skye was stood by Everest and Bella while Chase was stood by Marshall and Tammy. Sirriah and Caspin were stood in the middle still. Skye smiled as did the other members of the pack when they saw the pups. She looked at Chase who smiled back and nodded. The alpha and beta pairs gave a long and joyous howl which the pack joined in. Even the pups tried to follow their parents lead. It was a bit too much and Caspin lost his breath a little. Skye giggled and gently licked him behind the ear. She looked at her mate again.
"Thank you." She said.
"What for?" Chase raised an eyebrow.
"Finding me that day. We wouldn't be here if you didn't."
"It doesn't bear thinking about." He smiled, nuzzling his pups and embracing his mate.

Luna SkyeWhere stories live. Discover now