chapter 18

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   In the elevator leading to Michael's floor, I stared at myself in the mirror. I didn't want to look at my stomach; it was always such a shock to see how much it had grown. My clothing was getting way too tight, and the more it was showing, the more I felt... Uncomfortable. It was impossible to conceal now. There I was, six months pregnant. And still feeling weird about it all!

   I was anxious about what was about to happen. Michael had called up to tell me to spend the night at his place, and obviously, I had enthusiastically accepted, thinking about this cosy night in after this whole week being away from each other. I regretted not seeing him as often those last few days, but I couldn't complain. I knew how hard he was working, recording an album, and deep inside, I was so proud. 

   I ran a hand through my hair nervously, getting ready to meet his friends. I had never been quite at ease around boys; and now, thinking that I would be around four of them all night long was making me feel shy and tense. I was a bit uncertain about the way I would have to behave. I also wondered if Michael was the same he was around me that he was around his friends; most boys turned into jerks when put together in their group of friends. So I was fearing that, as well.

   When I knocked on the door hesitantly, it took a while before Michael opened. He saw me and beamed, and I couldn't help but held him tight. He held me back and kissed my forehead gently, before pulling back. Seeing him now filled me with happiness and excitement; and I didn't know whether this was puppy love or not, but I chose not to question that.

   I entered the familiar apartment and spotted them straight away; God, how couldn't I? They were all tall, buff, exactly like Michael, and I could sort of recognise them from months ago. I was relieved when I saw that there was a girl, there, also; I didn't know her. She had long blond hair, and she looked gorgeous. I wondered who she was.

"So, uh, this is Lee," Michael awkwardly said. "Lee, this is... Wait, I'm going to go from left to right. So, Ashton, his girlfriend Amanda, Calum, and Luke. You might recognise them."

"Not really" I chuckled. I was getting more uncomfortable by the minute. "It was a dark night. Rough night."

   They all laughed, and I felt slightly better. Oh, God, I was just hoping my stupid, dark jokes would help me feeling less uncomfortable. Luckily enough, no one stared at me like I was some alien with a big belly, they all seemed to be fine, to be honest, but I still was worrying. What if I said something wrong? I was just an over thinker. I sat beside Michael, right next to Luke.

"So, for how long have you guys been dating?" Luke asked, out of the blue. I didn't hear him very well at first, but when I turned around, he had a kind smile on his face.

"Uh, we... I mean, we've known each other for six months, when it... When it happened."

"Okay," he nodded. I was feeling more awkward than ever. "So, you are Lee. How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-one. My name is not actually Lee, people just... Call me Lee. It's a nickname."

"That's easy to remember. And Michael said you're a journalist?"

This question reminded me of my lost job, but I just nodded, wanting to conceal the fact that I was losing it inside. "Yeah. I've just recently graduated university, so it's cool. I mean, I'm excited."

"I hope everything is going well with the whole... Baby thing. We know Mike, and he can be really insensitive sometimes, but he's trying. I'm going to be honest with you... At first, we kind of made fun of him. But then I thought about it, and... It could be any of us, really. You know, he talks about you, and about the baby, he really does want to be involved."

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