2nd of July Chapter 2

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POV: None

It's 3 in the morning. Lucy is sleeping with the window is open. A cold breeze plow through. Lucy is very hot.


In a dream:
I'm in the shower, the water feels nice. Wait is someone there? I feel a presence. When I try to speak, nothing comes out. There is steam everywhere. Someone comes up behind me. They grab my breast. Squeezing, they have big hands, it's a guy. It feels so good. He starts kissing my neck. It's starts out slow with a passion, then turns rough. He even starts to bit. I can't see him, but there is half of me that wants it to be Natsu. The minute I thought that I can see the face. Now it's Natsu that's squeezing, and bitting my neck. This is making it so steaming in here. I feel how wet I have become. I want more, I want him to take me.
Wait is he talking to me?
"Lucy... you getting up?"
Getting up? I'm standing in this shower with you!
"LUCY!" Shouts Natsu
"Ahh!" I wake up fast. "What the hell Natsu! What are you doing in my room!" Then I feel it, did I start my period!?
"Luce it's 11am. Erza is still waiting for us. Hey do you smell that?"
Fuck, I get up quickly. And look down at the bed. Nothing is there. Now Natsu is sniffing around me. "BACK UP PERVERT!"
"Wait. What I do now?" He asked Happy
"I don't know." He replied. I run to the bathroom, and close the door. "I'm going to shower real quick! Met me there, ok!" I sit down and see I was soaked. My face is going red. Was this what Natsu could smell. This is because of the dream isn't it.
"You sure you want us to go on without ya Luce?" Natsu asks
"Yeah, I'll be there shortly. We don't want Erza to wait even long do we?"
"Ok. We will go on.."

POV: Natsu

That smell. It was nice. I want to keep smelling it. Why was Lucy so jumpy. Do the smell and her go together. My face starts to go red... was she turned on! I stoped dead in my tracks.
" What's wrong Natsu? You look like you just saw a big fishy." Happy asks me. "Do you want me to carry you the rest of the way?"
I can hear Happy, but I'm to busy thinking of Lucy, great now I'm getting turned on.
"Actually, Happy. Can you get me home. Like fast. I forgot something."
"Ok, but I think Erza might get mad if we make her wait."
"Don't worry about it."

POV: Lucy

Ok, I'm all set. Time to get to the guild. As I exit my apartment, I look up to see Natsu and Happy are going the wrong way! "HEY! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING!" Only Happy replied to me.
"He forgot something at home. We will be right back!"
Great, now I have to face Erza alone.

An hour later:

They said they where coming back. Where are they. I literally just had to wash ever last window I could find. Erza is going mental with this party.
"Lucy, how are the windows going. I see you have missed a spot." States Erza
"Well this is the last one, so I guess good."
"Ok, so I need you to go get the spare tables we keep out back, I have an idea for the arrangement." Erza said with a smirk. "By the way, where's Natsu?"
" He said he forgot something at home. So him and Happy went to get it." He better not have lied to me, or I will Lucy Kick his ass into next week!
"Well after we get the tables done, clean the women's bathroom, and you can be done for the day. I'll make sure he has extra work to do." Erza had a dark look in her eyes, Natsu might not want to return.
"Hey, Erza and Lucy, I'm here!" Shouts Natsu
Erza walks over to him, with that evil look.
"Here is a list of everything I want you to do, because you where late." She hands him a big list.
"What! You want me to find Jellal, and give you a foot rub!" Shouts Natsu. "I thought this was a cleaning day!"
"It was, then you tried to leave it all for Lucy" she tell him
"No! I forgot something!" He shouts at her
"Really. Then what was it."
"Umm." Natsu can't think of anything. Then Erza hits him across the head.
"Get to work." She tells him. And he does.

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