How Did You Even Find That! Chapter 10

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POV:Natsu. (Dirty parts, but nothing really Lemon)

Ok, I have to do something today. Second day in, I can't just do nothing. Maybe we could go to the park, or shopping. Anything. It's boring when you not messing around. I want to go on a job request, anything. Lucy is still asleep, she looks peaceful, and perfect right now. Half of me wants to wake her up with my mouth to her womanhood. But I fear she will Lucy Kick me. I could make her breakfast. That's what I'll do. I walk to the kitchen, I start to feel pain in my chest. It hurts like a thousand knives are being shoved into my heart. That's out of the question. Unless I could bring her with me? No, don't move her sleeping body. I look at some of her books she has on the desk. I see her diary. The last time I touched it, a Lucy Kick to the face. Well, she is asleep. I pick it up, and open to the last entire.
Yesterday I had a wet dream of Natsu. I was in the shower, and someone came in from behind. They were kissing my neck, and squeezing my boobs. I couldn't see the face, until I thought about Natsu. He was making me so wet. Then I heard someone taking to me. When I wake up, Natsu is right next to me, and I'm wet. I think he could smell it, I ran to the bathroom. What made it worse was how after he said he was going to the guild, I saw him and Happy leave to his house. They were gone forever.

So she was having the dreams. I know what I smelt that day. Even though there wasn't much detail, it was turning me on. I flip to another page.
Mira just told us about Dragon Slayer matting season. She is Laxus's mate. That's so cool. She also told us that her mark shows up once a year. And in that time if another dragon slayer see it, they start matting season early. I wonder who Natsu picked. There is a book, Levy and I want to find it.

What! She knew this would happen? I look over to her sleeping still. Ok, one more then I have to go.
Just bought a new toy. This one heats up, I'm not sure why I got it, but it's called the Dragons Dong. I have to wait for the shop to get it in. I can't wait to test it out. My other toys don't have that cool feature. I blame Levy, she was the one that got me into them. This would be so bad if someone found out. But I only own 7 different ones. Is that bad.

She has toys!? I never thought she would own toys. That makes me hard. I want to find them now. I see her move out of the corner of my eye. I put her dairy back where I found it, and sat down on the floor next to her. She sits up, stretches, and looks at me.
"Why you on the floor?" She smiles
"Oh, me.... um. I woke up early, and was doing exercises. Yeah, exercises."
"Oh, ok. Do you want breakfast? I'll make waffles and bacon." She starts to get up
"Sure, is there anything we can do today?"
"Like what?" She asked
"Do you have any games, or can we go to the store?"
"If you want we can go to the store. I do need to get a few things." She walks to the kitchen.
As she cooks the food, her ass was there. She was wearing pink shorts. Her thick thighs. That ass. She is moving it side to side. She is enjoying her self. I can't take my eyes off her. I walk up behind her, I squat down, and put my hands on her ass. It's  big. I never really looked at it. My hand starts to squeeze her ass.
"Natsu, we are not doing that right now." She said, turning her head to look at me.
"But... But.."
"Later. Let's enjoy this day." She puts her hands on her hips.
"Can't I just enjoy your sweet ass."
"No! Now go get washed and dressed." She states. Before I get up, I bite her ass. "Natsu!"
"Ok I'm going."

2 hour later:

We just keep walking. Walking is worse then doing nothing! "How much farther?"
"If you would have taken the train, we wouldn't be having this conversation." She looks annoyed
"Next time I chose a game." Before matting season, walking never bothered me. Now it's like to much work. At least I get to hold Lucy's hand.
"Look, we have arrived." Lucy starts to pull me faster.
Finally. We go into several shops, Lucy picked out a few outfits for me. I tried to get her to buy new panties. She got all red. We had fun. We stop for lunch at a small restaurant. When from across the street, this man comes running up the Lucy.
"Sweetheart! I haven't see you in a few weeks!" He said
"Who's this?"
"Um not now." She scoffs at him
"I'm Mike, I run that shop over there." He points
I see a flower shop, adult toy shop, and a book store. "Oh the book store. Got any new book?"
"Natsu!" Lucy looked mad
"No sweet boy, the toy shop." He smiles
"I don't see a toy shop, but we should check it out. Get Happy something."
They both look at me in awe. Then it hits me. He means the adult toy shop. "Let's go." She try's to pull me away.
"Wait... you shop there!?"
"Yes, and her newest one has came in." He smiles
Her face is red. "No thanks. Let's go." She pleads.
I remember her diary saying she had a new one coming. So I have to give her a hard time. "Oh that Dragon Dong, she doesn't need it, she got a better one just yesterday!"
Her face is smoking, literally. "Natsu, who told you-"
"Like I was saying. She don't need that old model. Her new one is massive, and can catch on fire, and can squirt white stuff. You can return the old one."
"What, what's the name of this new dong? I haven't heard of it?" Mike looks confused.
"Mike he is talking about himself." Lucy is red, and starting a small fire on her head.
"Oh!? Well where can I get one." He winks at me. Which sent a shiver down my spine.
"There is only one Natsu, and he is mine." Lucy states
"Lucy, we should check it out, maybe get a kinky idea for later."
"No!" She is full fire now.
"I'm leaving. This is getting to hot for me." Mike walks away.
"So Luce, you like toys."
"Shut up!" She yells

1 hour later:

She made me take the train to get back to her apartment. We had fun, until I embarrassed her like that, I thought it was funny. But she hasn't even seen my member, so it isn't like she gets the joke. She is still flaming, and no one wants to go near her. Except me of course! We sit down on her couch, nothing. "How about we play that game?"
"Fine, I'll go get some snacks, you get the games. They should be in the closet." She get up and goes to the kitchen. I start looking I see a few, nothing good. Then I see a shoe box, it's behind a photo album. Must be some games in here. I open the box. I see her collection. 7 different toys. Large, small, groves, flat, and so much more. My eyes go big. She has put these in her womanhood? I want to see that. I start to get hard.
"Found one?" Lucy asks
"Yeah, here." I hand her wizard land.
"Oh, I lost the pieces you move to this game." She smiles. "We would have to find a substitute."
"We can use theses." I pull out the box
Her face is burning even bigger. "No! How did you even find that!"
"Um top shelf, behind a photo album. Not hard."
"No! We are not using these. She takes the box. "You didn't open it did you?"
"Me, Natsu open something I don't know what it is. Nooo, never!"
"That's a lie and you know it." She is now burning even more.
"Yeah, I looked. I kinda wanna use them on ya."
"Oh my lord! No!" She is pissed. "Just leave me alone right now!" She then storms off to her room.
"What did I do!"

Hey, I hope you like it so far. Had a quick question, do people want me to just do the Nalu, or are they fine going to Gajevy ever other chapter. Let me know.
Ps: working on another story. I'll let you know when I post it. Yes it's Nalu.

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