Privacy is a No Chapter 8

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POV: Lucy (Lemon)

Over 4 hours has past since Happy left Natsu on my bed. He has been out for a long time. I have cleaned my whole apartment. If I walked away from him, I could see pain in his face. So I would make them quick trips. I even thought about my book. I had so many ideas, I was surprised that my writers block was gone. It might sound funny, but my book is kinda on Natsu. I changed a few things, like the characters names.  I don't think anyone will know Natsu was the inspiration. I think he is going to sleep forever. I making a sandwich, when I somehow spilled the honey on me. I'm sticky now. So I walk over to him, eat the sandwich fast. I get a clean outfit already. Making the small trips to the bathroom. I have to have everything ready. Once all I have left was to get in, I sat on the floor next to him. Going away for just a few minutes kills him. How am I going to take a shower. I go and grab an extra tee, I put it over a pillow. And sprayed my perfume all over it.  Maybe he will think it's me. My other idea was Gemini, but that will only buy me 5 minuets. I place the pillow next to him, and surprise he reached out and started to hug it. It worked! I slowly walk back to the bathroom. He didn't seem upset, it was working. I close the door, strip and turn on the hot water. It's so hot, I take my time to get clean. I start by washing my body. The body wash was everywhere. The vanilla and strawberry's filled the bathroom. I thought I hear something. I paused. Why did it sound like crying..? I seemed to stop, so I go back to the shower. That's was strange, maybe someone outside had a baby with them. I was about to get the shampoo, when I felt a presence. I also felt safe around it. It hits me, Natsu woke up. I always face the shower head, so I'm the closest to the door, I would know if he was next to it, right. I peer out of the curtain. The door looks closed. Nothin looks different in the bathroom. Then why do I have this feeling. Should I shout to him, or stay quiet. I say in a normal tone, "Natsu, are you up?" Nothing. Ok, I go back to the shower. I than drop the soap. Crap. I squat down to get it, it's not in front of me, so I go to turn around. I see feet in front of me! I Scream, and stay down. They also scream, and take a step back. I'm scared to look up, but why are they screaming!
"I'm so sorry Luce, I didn't mean to scare you!" Natsu said, in a happy tone.
"You left me..." He is sad, "I thought someone took you."
"That doesn't mean get in the shower with me, then scare me half to death!"
"I said I was sorry." He is sad, he was about to cry.
He was still in his swim trunks, and he was staring at me. Glade I'm squatting, otherwise he would have a full view. "Don't cry!"
"But, you hate me." He said as a tear fell
That hurts me, how can he think I hate him?
"Close your eyes." He does, so I turn and stand up. Then I turn the water off, and grab a towel. He has a waterfall going down his face. I go to him, and hug him. Now I'm crying too. He hugs me back. "Be Happy I don't Lucy Kick you out of here." I say softly. He chuckles. As we hug, I can feel his member is trying to wake up. My face is red, I end the hug. "Ok you can sit on the toilet. While I finish my shower." He looks over at the toilet.
"It's to far away from you." He smiles
"No! If you want to be in here, you have to sit on the toilet!"
"Why can't I stay here. I won't look at yeah." He teases
My face is red. "Listen Natsu, I'm ok with being you mate, but why can't I have some privacy."
"You don't need that." He smiles. His member looks like he wants to be up, and used. I'm happy he has pants on.
I hope he doesn't get turned on, I don't know what he will do if that happens. "I could make you wait outside the bathroom."
"Don't be that way!" He wines
"Then go to the toilet."
"If I go there, then I can watch you shower." He smiles with an evil look.
My face feels like it's on fire. Actually, Natsu looks like there is fire around him. He is laughing now. "Whats so funny!"
"You face is literally on fire!" He said
What? I walk over to the mirror, then sure enough there was fire around my head! "How do I put it out!" I try turning the water in the shower, nothing.
He was still laughing, then he walks over to me. "Your embarrassed." He states calmly
How does he know. I don't want him looking at me. But before I could answer. He takes my towel and throws it to the side. I try to cover with my arms and hands. "Don't look at me!" My face fire is still burning, but it doesn't hurt me.
His face looks almost evil. "Luce, I'm going to touch you." How is the way he acting. Emotional. He seems to know what he wants.
"Natsu! Please." I'm scared. I'm trembling, when he puts his hand on my arm that was across my chest. He starts to push me against the wall. Now my arm is above my head, he is holding it up there. My boobs are exposed, and he lookin right at them. His other hand comes up, and starts to touch my nip. His lips comes over to mine. He licks my lips, when I open them, his tongue goes in my mouth.  This kiss had so much passion in it. I start to kiss back. He has turned me on. I feel the fire go away. His tongue is searching my mouth, I want more. My other hand, that was covering my lower half comes up around his head. I pull him in close. His hand is squeezing my boob. He stops kissing me, to kiss my neck. I moan so loud.
"Keep moaning... it turns me on!" He said in between kisses
His hand more over to the other boob. His kisses start to trail down to my chest. "Nnattsuu!" I shout. I was so wet now. I have never done this before, I'm unsure if I should stop him or not.
"I smell you. That sweet smell. I want to lick you clean down there." He states
I want that, but I don't think I'm ready. He starts to suck on my nip, it feels so good. My moans are getting closer together, and so much louder.  Then he stops. He stand there in front of me, smiles.
"See the fire is gone now." He is proud of him self. I just realized what he had done. I feel the fire coming back.
"You did that just to get rid of the fire!" I get the towel, walk over to the door, exit, and stand on the other side. Leaving him in there. More like trapping him in there. He is playin with my emotions. I feel more emotional then he is.
"Luce, let me out. I'll behave." He wines
"You can wait in there! When I'm ready to move you can come out!" I was trying to not be turned on. And drying off against a door isn't fun.
"Luce..." he still wines
"Natsu, you can't play with my emotions like that." I'm sad, why didn't he try to take me?
"Hey if you want, I could continue." He said kinda happy
"Nope, the mood is gone." I get dressed in my PJs, and walk over to the bed.
The door opens. "Sorry." He is sad. He looks like he will cry.
"Get over here! I'm going to read a book before bed, if you want to sit next to me you can."
He comes over, and sits there.  I lean on him so I can read. "What you reading?"
"It's a book about this couples experience with love. It can get dirty at some points."
"Oh, cool." He said.
We didn't talk for the rest of the night, after an hour of reading I passed out in his arms.


I can't believe I did that to Lucy. Then I made her sad. But she is cuddling up to me, so I guess it wasn't bad. It was my first time. Maybe we can try again tomorrow. She looks so good naked, with the water all over her. I was surprised I picked her, because the first day we met, wasn't exactly all sunshine and daisy. I think I'll watch her sleep for a while.

Ok, that happened, the Next  chapter will be back to Levy and Gajeel. So maybe the emotional wreck wasn't just for the dragon slayer. Expect there to be Lemons.

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