4th of July Chapter 4

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Ok, so people have issues with the outfit Lucy picked in the story. You can pick something else for her, but I liked it the way it was. In fact I did state that she got the outfit on a mission, and if you watch the Dragon Cry movie, she does where it. And this is Lucy, she might of had the mind set that reporters for Sorcery Weekly might be there, and she wanted to look really good. Idk.

POV: Lucy

Erza wants us to get the food cooking, and setting it all up. I don't know if I want to get out of bed. Levy and I read so much on this matting season. I'm kinda hoping Natsu picks me. I think I'll be broken if he doesn't. I just don't feel like he likes me that way. He doesn't show it if he does. Why do I feel sad. I know I love him, but I keep telling myself I can't. Maybe I show tell him how I feel. But I don't think I could make the words form if I try. I have to get out of bed, and get ready. Do I want to shower twice today. The food prep might get all over me. I think I'll be good, it isn't like I'll be running and sweating. I didn't even move, I started to think of that book. There was one last chapter we didn't read last night. I kinda wanna read it today. Before the party. I get up and out of bed, and eat some breakfast. I then try to pick and outfit. Once I look cute as always, I head down to the guild. I'm bringing the book with me. Maybe there will be time to read it, or Mira could read some of it. Hopefully it's not just Erza, Natsu, Happy, and me cooking today. There is going to be so much food, I really don't think it will all get eaten.

At the Guild:

"Hey Erza, who we got on cooking duty?" She turns to me, with stars in her eyes.
"It's wonderful! Juvia, and Levy offered to help us cook today! I'm going to make Natsu stay away from the food til the party," she states
"Cool! A little extra girl time in the kitchen!" The others have already started, so we just go and join them.
"Lu. Do you have that book?" Levy asks me
"Yeah, I was unsure when we will have time to read it." I hand it over to her. Erza looks at us.
"What book, can I see it?" Erza looks curious.
"Um it's a book on dragon slayers... I don't think you will enjoy it."
"All through, Juvia there was a book in the library you need to read." Levy states
Juvia look at us, "Is it like your matting book you have there! Are you telling me I need to mate with Gray!"
"No it's was on demon slayers, that's why."
Ezra with big eyes, "Why do you have a book on dragon matting season..... is it because you two love Gajeel and Natsu?"
"Why would you say it like that!?" Levy and I cry.
"Well, you two are always with the two of them... So I could see you would have the strongest feeling and would like to know if they have picked you. Am I right." Erza said with a smirk.
"Can we change the topic.." we said with defeat in our tone.

2hours later:

It took use 2 hours to get everything cooked, plated, and set up on the table.  The party is going to start soon. Before leaving the kitchen to get ready, I turn to the girls. "Hey, you know what, we did a great job on the food, and worked really hard. Tonight we should enjoy ourselves, let lose. And not care about anything. We will stay as a group, and if we see a cute guy, we will go in a small group of two! Let's not be miserable on something we worked hard on. Are you with me!"
"That sounds doable." Erza said
Juvia looks shocked, "So take a break from trying to look perfect, and we do what feels good for ourselves. I have never drank before, but if your all in, count me too!"
Levy was on the fence. "Can I take it slow, I'll have fun. I just don't want to be shit faced in the first five minutes.."
"Sure.. We are doing this!"


I was on my way to the kitchen when I heard Lucy and the others talking. I waited for them to finish. I found out they wanted to enjoy the night, which I would say go for.. but I have a few different ships I want to happen. I quickly run back up to the bar. Where Gajeel was sitting. "Hey Gajeel!"
"What!" He snarled at me
"I have to give you a heads up, the girls want to get drunk tonight. I know this isn't anything to you... But maybe you and the other guys could keep and eye on them."
"Levy plans on getting drunk. I have to see this..Fine. I'll pass the message on." He states
"Thanks Gajeel!"

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