Looking VS Clubbing

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Outside the school gates ;

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My POV ;


Sasuke , Neji , Gaara and Shino waited outside the school gates , clearly unaware of what Kiba's plan is.

The last people went out the gates 5 minutes ago .

Shino looked down at his bug watch .

'' They should be here already '' Shino said.

'' Do you think something happened '' Neji said already a possessive aura covered his body.

'' What you mean ? '' Gaara asked .

'' Do you mean the fans Neji ? ''  Sasuke asked staring hard at the exit door.

'' I don't know '' Neji said .

'' Let us go inside '' Gaara said.

They all nodded and went in.

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Back to the ukes 

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The ukes stopped running by the time we were on the streets of town .

( Like i said this is your imagination )

'' So what now ki-ba '' Naruto mocked.

Kiba looked around the place , muttering things like ' it should be here ' or ' i know it's here'.

Than his head stopped at a bar that people were going in and out of .

'' There ! '' He pointed to that bar.

'' T-there ? '' Naruto stuttered.

'' That's a very youngful place to go , let's go Kiba! '' Lee shouted , grabbed Kiba's hand and rushed in the bar.

Naruto and Shikamaru looked at each other .

'' Wanna ditch ? '' Shikamaru asked.

Naruto looked back at the bar and a few seconds later sighed.

'' Nah , lets just go inside , to make sure that nothing happens '' He answered.

Shikamaru sighed.

'' Troublesome '' 

But they both went in anyway .

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Back to the semes ;

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Sasuke's POV ;


We were beyond pissed.

They ran away from us .


Which to be honest , i'm not sure if it was the good run or the bad run.

We went to the back school door ( After searching every room in the school ) and i found Naruto's pencil on the ground along with a 3/4 eaten chocolate bar , which Shino claimed to be Kibas.

'' So , what now ? Wanna look for them ? '' Gaara said.

'' Well Duh ! '' Neji mocked .

 Gaara sighed annoyed with Neji .

'' Well what are waiting for ? Let's go '' I said and started running of looking for Naruto .

Outside i was claim and a bit quiet but inside i was panicking .

Like what if he got kidnapped by the fans , or a bad teacher said '' Do you want candy ? Come with me ''

 Well , fuck that , the only thing on my mind is finding Naruto .

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Back to the ukes :3

PS. It's Now 6.00pm ( And it's dark )

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'' H-heyy Guyssssss w-wanna sing a-a ...song ? '' 

They were drunk .

Very drunk for their first time.

Naruto wobbled as the rest did when they started up for the stage .

'' P-put on .... what does t-the fox say '' Naruto stuttered.

'' Hit it Dave !! '' Said the dj man thingy and the song came on.


'' Are you fucking kidding me ? '' Kyuubi roar inside Naruto.

Naruto turned to face Kyuubi

'' Wut ''


And they all started singing;

'' Dog g-goes Woof ! C-cat goes meow!! B-bird go-es tweeeeeeting and mousey goes s-squeeek !''

* Burp * 

'' Cow goes MOOOOOOOOOOO ! ''F-frog goes c-roak and the e-elphant goes tooth !''

* Giggle*

By now everyone was singing along .

'' Ducks s-say quack !! And fishy go blub and t-he seal g-goes OW OW OW ! !!'

'' B-but theres o-one sound *Fart* t-that nono knows !!''


Than the bar door banged opened.

'' Surprise Motherfuckers ''


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