Best Of Both Worlds

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       Arriving at my apartment, I was satisfied with my easy mission but my body was physically exhausted. I checked the time on my alarm clock, '05:12' was what it read. " Not bad Kiara, Not bad at all," I thought to myself..Considering all i had accomplished in less than 2 hours. I set the alarm for 9 am seeing that I had a lecture & snoozed off.


        I pushed my beddings away immediately my alarm went off. I hit the buzzer while dragging my body out of bed. I quickly showered, wore a long top & leggings,pairing them with sandals. I switched on the television while moving around eating cereal. The murder of Mayor Foster was all over the news & some believed it was a suicide attempt.

"Suicide attempt my ass" I snickered to myself before drinking the rest of the milk left in the cereal bowl. I then grabbed my book-filled backpack & hit the door. I couldnt drive the ferrari to school no matter how badly I wanted to. My school life was all about keeping a low profile. I didnt want to attract any kind of attention to myself whatsoever so i opted for the toyota prius.

      I parked the car in the varsity parking lot and headed straight to class. It was already in session so i headed to the back of the class, as usual & paid attention. I know you must be wondering why I'm bothering with school. Jose pays me very well & my job keeps me thrilled & on my toes but from the moment I was a little girl, all I ever wanted to do was be a designer. And I planned on seeing my dream through no matter what.

     Before my lecture was done, I heard people sceeaming & evacuating the building. It soon occurred to me that there was a fire & before I knew it, there were cops & firemen on the scene. Some believed it was arsen, others believed it was a pure accident & the police decided to investigate it anyway. Standing facing the scene of confusion, with my books held against my chest & my backpack hanging from my shoulder, I suddenly felt a tap on my back.

      Before I could even turn around  a deep sexy voice followed saying

  "Excuse me Ma'am?" I turned around as if it were on cue. He was tall, had jet black hair,a gorgeous smile & wore a jet black slim fitting suit. He looked so good in it, it was as if he was doing the suit a favor. Snapping back into reality, he stretched forth his hand & introduced himself.

    "Hello, Im detective Marcus Carter from Miami police department. I'm incestigating if this was arsene or an accident. Did you see or hear anything?" He askd with a straight face.

    "Uhmm, No I was attending a lecture until the fire occured. " He looked up from the empty page of his notepad to me. After staring at my face as if it were to preserve the memory, he reached fr his wallet & handed me a business card.

     "Well if you hear anything, please keep in touch & let me know. My work & personal contact details are all there." Immediately after he proceeded to the fire departments lousy attempt to putting out a fire. Anyway, staring at the scene one more time, I concluded it was an accident & walked to my prius & drove myself to Jose's warehouse.

     If there was one thing Jose was  never short of was tight security. There was even security miles before the actual warehouse & because the car I was driving today was unrecognizable, I kept being stopped at every check point which was annoying, but I knew I had to comply 'cause these men were instructed to shoot any trespassers.    

     As I finally drove into the compound, I noticed Jose in the company of his many men, with a look of utter disappointment on his face.

   "What is this cheap trash you are driving? You no like my present?" He said in his heavy mexican accent. He was referring to the ferarri he got me which i wasnt driving. I explained myself while walking to his boardroom, escorted by 5 heavily armed guards. When there, He sat me down & switched on a cinema-sized flat screen tv. He showed me a video of a man called Carlos Garcia. He was gunning down other drug lords wareshouses & stealing their merchandise,making him stronger & his empire much harder to take down. Jose has a worldwide network & He would be damned if anyone took his empire down.

      So I knew what my next mission was going to be. If there's a perk of my job,other than the money of course, it would be that I was never told how to assasinate my victims as in have it all planned out for me. Either Jay trusted & respected my skills enough or he really had no time on his hands considering the million things he has to do.

     I got home to take the quickest nap coz I knew I had to have this plan executed & executed today.



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