Taking A Leap of Faith

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      The car ride to the beach was very quiet for the first couple of minutes. Its as if we were both scared to make the first move as if this was high school. Trying to kill the silence, we both touched the radio power button and I felt something I've never felt in my 22 years of life. It was amazing causing us to both immediately withdraw our hands and He let me turn it on.

      R.I.P by Rita Ora started was playing loud through the perfect surround system. I sang along to the hook with all I had within me. Was more like the soundtrack to my life.

"R.I.P to the girl you used to see. Her days are over. Baby shes over. I decided to give you all of me, baby come closer"

      When I opened my eyes, I was embarassed to see marcus looking ar me with intrigue. I haven't been this free around a man since....well never actually. Marcus didn't talk much

which was refreshing 'cause most of the guys I've been with are so self-centred. It was all about them. About 5 minutes later, we pulled over to the parking lot by the beach. It was a beautiful day. Blue sky, birds flying in the air, the sound of the sea water rolling wave after wave. This was pure serenity.

     After soaking in the beautiful serenity for about 5 minutes, I lowered my Christian Dior shades and covered my eyes and suddenly Marcus'  hands crept up and intertwined with mine. They fit perfectly like a glove. He asked if we could get a popsicle or ice cream from the tuck shop near by. It being a working day, there was literally no one at the beach. Could this moment be any more perfect???

      After Marcus got me a chocolate-covered vanilla ice cream popsicle, I said thank you. He watched as I excitedly unwrapped it. I haven't had these since I was a kid. Marcus knelt down on one knee to remove his socks and shoes and rolled the bottom of his trousers so that his feet wouldnt get wet. He took off his jacket and rolled the sleeves of his shirt up too. We took the perfect stroll as we talked and got to know things about each other.

      I learned that his originally from Boston, he moved to Miami because he always fancied beaches, he became a detective because his father & grandfather both were detectives. Marcus seems like a really nice guy but if theres one thing I learned from my past life is that you should never assume. Even the "nicest" of people could turn out to be your enemy.

     "Kiara?" Marcus asked with worry, concerned because my mind wandered off.

    "Yeah? Sorry i was deep in thought." I said as I exhaled deeply. The wind attempted to seduce my legs as it almost blew my dress right off. I had to hold it in one hand while Marcus' warm hand intertwined with mine as we hand brown particles ob sand evident on our feet. This man was a complete stranger but I felt at peace just being with him. This couldn't be normal; It just wasn't. Marcus noticed that my mind wandered off, I could tell.

      "So what brought you to the amazing city of Miami?" Marcus asked with intrigue.

  " I came to Miami to take some numbers off the general population" I muttered in my head. I couldnt let him-or anyone else know that. Not that there was anyone to tell. Jose became my family as well as Andy who I occasionally used as an emotional punching bag when ever I was pms-ing. I have no best friend-let alone any friend. There was still a question at hand though.

     "After my parents passed away, I wanted nothing but to start my life over and so thats what I did." I said matter-of-factly nodding my head, face down

   "Im sorry for your loss Khi." Wait a minute!!! It hasnt been 24 hours and were already on a nickname basis? Not that it bothered me.

      After an entire day of acting like we had our own private beach & having enough popsicles & ice cream, We sat on the piere as we watched the sun set in utter silence. Not like wierd silence, it was breathtaking. As it started to get cold, Marcus put his shoes and socks on befre grabbing his jacket and placing it onto me leaving the sleeves hanging.

   "Shall we?" He gestured as he opened the passenger door of his car. What a gentleman.

   "Of course." I said with a smile as I entered his car.

Chivalry. Definitely. Isn't. Dead.

    The car ride back to my university was interesting. I had completely loosened up and we started talking about each others past experiences. It got really funny when we started talking about embarassing situations. I guess thats how free I'm starting to feel around him.

When we arrived, The university parking lot was dark & quiet. As if it was a reflex, he quickly ran to my door and opened it for me. I swear I could never get used to this. I took off his jacket immediately and when handing it to him, our hands touched each other. We didnt have much to say but our bodies did quiet the opposite. After staring deeply into each others eyes for like five seconds, we just mentally said "fuck it" before grabbing each other and engaging into a slow, beautiful kiss. I felt the current of electricity in his body move into mine metaphorically. I was staring at his face all day but now I was more than satisfied with the taste of it. I've never shared a kiss like that but whatever it was, I sure as hell wanna do that again. It was simply amazing.

     "You are a phoenomenal Woman Ms. Richards, I hope I get to see you again. Heres my card incase you tossed out the first one I gave you. Maybe this time it will be worth keeping." He said while winking at me.

     "Thank you Mr Carter. I had a great day. You weren't bad company." I said bluntly as I recieved his business card shoving it into my purse. Yes he was completely hot but I wasn't gonna give him the satisfaction of knowing that he had me completely weak in the knees. I turned on my heel and drove my car out of that parking lot as if there was an assasin on my case. Speaking of assasins, I gave myself a "What the hell was that?" lecture. I mean, What happened to the bad girl that came to Miami to kill people and get super rich whilst she's at it? Jose, thats what. Anyway it was 1 day down, 6 more to go. How bad could it possibly be? I passed through a drive-thru and finished my chicken burger before I even got home. I was so knackered I took off my sandals and slept in my maxi dress. I really need to kill this habbit. Literally

Sleeping With The Enemy (18+ Only) - The Kiara Richards StoryWhere stories live. Discover now