Enemy Number One......Still

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    As Marcus & I walked hand in hand, he put his jacket over me with the sleeves hanging loosely over my shoulders. I had the bouquet of flowers in my hand and he had the box of swiss chocolate in his. Once he stepped into the elevator, He asked with a frown and concern on his face

     "Whose Shawn?" My heart immediately sunk. It was suddenly so quiet in that elevator you could hear a pin drop.

     "Huh?" I asked as If I didn't hear him loud and clear the first time.

      "When I called the first time, you called me Shawn."

      How could I be so stupid. I've been so hung up on destroying Shawn that I called Marcus his name. I had to think of something and think fast. He was a detective and Im pretty sure I could detect my bullshit a mile away.

      "Shawn is a friend of mine. His Middle name is Marcus so When I saw the caller I.d, I immediately assumed it was him, sorry." I said with an apologetic smile on my face.

    "Oh its okay. Maybe its time you gave me a much better caller I.d,"   he said pushing my body against the cold elevator wall. His cold lips pressed against mine with a certain passion, like he had a craving only I could fulfill. His soft lips nibbled on my bottom lip and before I knew it, the flowers and chocolate fell to the ground. He grabbed me from under my knees and put my legs around his waist. His hands cupped my ass and my hand were wrapped around his shoulders. For a minute....I forgot we were in an elevator. It got sexual without us touching each other. I was in a heated moment of passion, ecstacy; And for once I didnt regret any of it

     Before I knew it,we were on the ground floor. I had to straighten my dress which, not so long ago, was not touching the floor. He picked up the flowers and the box of chocolate. Im suprised none of them were trampled on. The elevator doors swung open and we both walked away smiling. Still hand in hand.

       I couldn't use my car because I didn't want to raise suspicions so I left it in the hotel parking lot. I just kept my vallet ticket. As expected,he opened the car door for me before running to his door and started the quiet engine.

   "So where do you wanna go? " He asked breathing kinda fast 'cause he was running seconds ago.

    "Suprise Me Mr. Carter" I said with a formal tone in my voice and a smirk on my face.

    "Okay!" He said reversing his car. How did he find himself here though? If I didn't fancy him, I would be worried about his stalker behaviour. This time around, I didnt turn on the radio and have a re-hash of what happened the last time I was in a car with Marcus.

      We pulled off to a beautiful beach house. Typical Miami residence; Glass walls, Cabannas, beautiful swimming pools and of course a breathtaking view. I was in paradise. Literally. Theres no way a single guy can have a house so immaculate.....so............detailed. Either he had a good eye for design or he was married - or worse; he was gay. But after the way he kissed me and handled me in the elevator, there was no way in hell he could be gay. No way!

       He walked behind me and handed me a glass of red merlot - my favourite type of wine. I think someone did their research. He parted my hair behind my ear as the strong wind almost blew my hair - and my dress off. With his hand still cupping my cheeks, he says "Kiara, you are one of the most beautiful people I have ever met." I couldn't help but look down, smile and embrace my face in his palm.

    "Thank you." I genuinely meant it. He stared deep into my big, eyeliner clad, hazel eyes. I kissed him again and he asked me to come with me to the Kitchen, which I did as if it were an order.

    "Today I'm gonna cook for you and I'll let you watch. Maybe if your good, you could be my assistant. Deal?"

  This was better than any dinner I could have imagined at a five-star restaurant. He made me buffallo wings, macaroni cheese and a greek salad with a lot of olives and feta cheese - just how I loved it. He set the table for me, paying attention to the little details. How the cutlery should be put, the salt,pepper n sauces, the wine glass. Impressed is an understatement. He pulled out my chair and pushed it right in. 

       After he said grace, We immediately dug in. Lord! I was in heaven. I closed my eyes and moaned as the food melted right on my toungue. It was amazing. I've never had a man cook for me and I must say his exes have been lucky women.

     "Is the food okay?" Marcus asked with a worried look on his face.

     "Okay? This is one of the most amazing dishes I've ever tasted. I must say, Mr Carter, You're a pretty amazing cook."

I said before taking a sip of my wine and piercing my food with the fork.

     "Thank you. I come from a family of a lot of women so it was expected. Im glad you appreciate it."

       "Im glad you took the time & the effort to even cook fr me"

       "I always take my time to show women how they truly deserve to be treated. You really need to stop calling me by my official names" He said walking behind me after we finished eating.

      He slowly kissed my neck while slipping his hands behind my back. All I heard was John Ledgends 'all of me' play in the backgound before my floor length goun hit the floor. Marcus effortlessly unzipped my dress and once I was out of it, He sat me down on his marble kitchen counter and looked deep in my eyes.

    "I'm gonna change how you call me Kiara......One way or another...."


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