I Guess I Did.

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"-I don't take your meaning."

The voice of Admiral Marcus resonated through the halls as you escorted Khan into the med bay, glancing around to find the conversation between Alexander Marcus and James Kirk broadcasted to every part of the ship. You frowned and led Khan in by his wrist, uncomfortable with the fact that the officers had insisted on cuffing him. Khan sat down, and you both watched the screens as you sat down next to him on a bed.

"Well that's why you're here isn't it? To assist with our repairs?" Kirk looked genuinely confused, even though you knew that he knew the Admiral's hidden motives.
"Why else would the head of StarFleet personally come to the edge of the neutral zone?"

Kirk feigned ignorance very well, and you couldn't help but smile. Khan shot you am unclear look after noting your smile, and you raised an eyebrow at him and smiled, leaning over to him.

"Jealous?" You whispered, pulling back and laughing lightly. Khan scoffed as you turned your attention back to the monitors showing the Admiral's and the Captain's faces.

"Where is your prisoner, Kirk?" Marcus asked, but his question was dark and pointed. You grasped Khan's hand, and he intertwined your fingers with his. He wasn't going to be taken from you. Not now.

"Per StarFleet regulation, I'm planning on returning Khan to Earth to stand trial."

You stared wide-eyed at the screen with Kirk's face, doubtful. Please, let this be true. Then Marcus reacted, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Well... Shit. You talked to him. That's exactly what I was hoping to spare you from. I took a tactical risk and I woke that bastard up-"

Khan brushed the back of your hand with his thumb, and you realized you were clenching his hand tightly in anger, missing a few words the Admiral voiced.

"-whatever came at us next. But I made a mistake." Marcus leaned forward in his chair. You hated that man, you hated how he leant forward in his damn chair and how he blamed nearly everything on everyone else. "And now the blood of everybody he's killed is on my hands. So I'm asking you, give him to me so that I can end what I started."

Kirk frowned slightly, furrowing his brow.
"And what exactly would you like me to do with the rest of his crew, sir? Fire them at the Klingons? End seventy two lives? Start a war in the process?"

"He put those people in those torpedoes, and I simply didn't want to burden you with knowing what was inside of them! You saw what this man can so all by himself, can you imagine what would happen if we woke up the rest of his crew? What else did he do, tell you he's a peacekeeper? He's playing you son, don't you see that? Khan and his crew were condemned to death as war criminals, and now it is our duty to carry out that sentence before anybody else does because of him."

Khan looked down, and you almost snapped. You wanted to throttle Admiral Marcus. You wanted to kill him for all that he did to Khan, you wanted to drain the life out of his eyes until they were dead and lifeless.

"Now I'm going to ask you again, one last time, son. Lower your shields. Tell me where he is."

Kirk paused and you gripped Khan's hand, your heart rate accelerating rapidly. No. Don't do this, Kirk. Don't tell him.

"He's in engineering, sir." Kirk sighs. "But I'll have him moved to the transporter room right away."

"I'll take it from here." Marcus nods, and the communication ends. You exhaled, not realizing you had been holding your breath. You calmed, smiling. Kirk lied. You didn't care if it was for you or not, but Kirk and Khan made some sort of connection earlier. Is there anything you would not do for your family?

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