tadaomi; never forget your love

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A/N: Mmmm... You're and adult here so Karasuma is NOT a freaking pedo. ✌

I will use the song 'Last Scene' by Ikimonogakari here, from Shigatsu wa Kimi No Uso, the translated to English version.

WARNING: ANGST. (Okay, not really. But the song is sad!)

•Never forget your love - Karasuma Tadaomi X Reader

[Karasuma's POV]

Tears won't stop
I'm yearning to see you
Just like that day of spring light
Hey, i can't bring myself to say goodbye
I have to live on with your absence

(Y/N) and I are married for 5 years. We dated back in high school and we were still together after college so I decided to propose to her and she gladly accepted my proposal.

We got married after 2 months of my proposal to her, it was a simple yet elegant church wedding.


On our second year of marriage, she got pregnant. I was so happy when she told me she has our baby in her tummy, so I took great care of her while she was carrying our baby. Don't get me wrong, I always take great care of her.

But 3 months before she give birth to our child, we found out she had a weak heart. So the doctors advised that she take ceasarian session (Correct me if I got that wrong :)) when she give birth.

After 3 months, finally, she was giving birth to our child.

Letting go of my hand saying 'Quick, let's go!'
and start running off with high-sprit left me confused always catching up and chasing your back-view
without even knowing your tears that were hidden

'I was happy'
That voice disappeared in a gust of the wind
I'm calling out to your name looking back with that smiling face
It was so saddening but beautiful.

The day I've been so nervous about finally came..


(Y/N) is currently in labor. She's been there for 16 hours already, I'm worried to death... (Clannad:After Story reference, where Nagisa has a weak heart too and gave birth almost all day to Ushio.)

And (Y/N), being the stubborn woman she is, said that she doesn't want to give birth by ceasarian session. She said that she wanted to have just a normal delivery.


23 minutes later, the Doctor came out of the room (Y/N)'s currently in, and told me the news.

"Are you Mr. Karasuma?" She asked.

"Yes. How's my wife and our baby?" It was my turn to ask her.

"Good news Sir, your baby is okay." She answered.

"How about my wife?" I asked her again.

"I-I'm sorry Mr. Karasuma, but your wife's heart is too weak, she couldn't make it... Only the baby survived."

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