karma; jealousy

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A/N: Hey! So this Karma X Reader is not requested, I just did it because no one is requesting yet of course and because of my great lust-- I mean love for Karma. Karma is bae!

Ps. Dat picture tho. 😍 #Karushu make it happen!😂

Jealousy? - Karma Akabane X Reader

[Your POV]

*Beep! beep! Beep!* (Fuq. I know this sound is stupid.)

Aaaaaand, there goes my sleep.

I got up and did my morning routine. Then after taking a bath, I wore my against-the-rules school uniform. I call it against the rules cause, the girls' school uniform is supposed to be gray, while mine's black. Black, cause I love black. (A/N: So it's like you have a same uniform like Karma-kun. But just a girl version of his.)

After I finished dressing, I headed to school.

Fuck. I'm still so damn sleepy! Because of that damn project Koro-sensei assigned us. AND, to make it worse, I was paired with Karma Akabane. YES, THE KARMA AKABANE A.K.A SATAN HIMSELF.

Well actually, I have no problem being paired with him if it weren't for his devilish attitude. Cause, dude! He's got the brains, the looks, the wealth, EVERYTHING!

And I must admit...... I actually like him-- No. I LOVE him. But heck, I know he likes Okuda. And I also want to stay away from him so I can move on because I know I'll just get hurt if I continue this bullshit feelings.

No no! I have nothing against Okuda... But I'm just frustrated.

Like, why? Why can't the boys I love/like, love me back? Just because I'm an Otaku? Just because I'm obsessed with Anime and my waifus? Why? Do they have something against us, Otaku Girls?

Do they have something against girls who stay up VERY late at night just to watch Anime and sleep at midnight? (Lol. Midnight from BNHA.) Do they hate girls who cry when their favorite character or someone important in the Anime dies? Do they--

Oh, I'm here at Kunigigaoka already. I didn't noticed. So then, I climbed up the mountain to get to class.

[Timeu Skippu ~! Brought to you by Itona inventing a 'lil peeping robot' for Okajima ~!]


I was eating while I sat under this big beautiful Cherry Blossom tree. Yes, I am alone but don't get me wrong, everyone is nice so I get along with them it's just that I want to be alone today so I didn't ate lunch with them.. You know, to sort things out.

Things like... Should I confess to Karma? Or not? What if he rejects me? I'm scared.. But it's not love if you didn't got hurt, because in love you should always take risks.

Woah (Y/N), you sounded so mature there.

But anyway, I have decided! I will confess to him after school!

*RIIIIINGGGG!!!!* (Another stupid sound brought to you by Author-chan!)

Oh. Lunch time is already over, guess I got lost in my thoughts for too long..


Koro-sensei's babbling about something right now.. But I'm too sleepy to listen to him..

So I just dozed off...

[Timeu Skippu again to Home Time brought to you by Reader-chan dozing off!]

"(Y/N)-chan. (Y/N)-chan!" Nagisa?

"Oh Nagi-chan, what's the matter?" I asked him.

"(Y/N)-chan, class ended 5 minutes ago already." He informed me.

"Oh? I guess I slept for too long. Thanks Nagi-chan." I thanked him and smiled.

"Well, I'm going now (Y/N)-chan! See you! Be careful on going home!" Then he left.

"See you Nagi-chan! Yes I will be careful!" I then finished putting my things in my bag, then left the classroom.

I was going to head down the mountain when I noticed a certain red head standing by the entrance door of the campus, like he's waiting for someone. Oh, is it Okuda? Guess I'll just confess tomorrow.

I'm just going to go past him! Okay!

I was going to... though. Not until...

"(Y/N)!" He called me.


"Come with me." Then he dragged me to wherever we were going. Bitch, I didn't even said yes!

"What the fuck is your problem Bakabane?!" I shouted at him. Well, I didn't mean to, I really just want to stay away from him.

"What is my damn problem you ask? You are! Fuck. I'm fucking jealous earlier because you kept calling Nagisa 'Nagi-chan' so sweetly! But when it comes to me it's just 'Karma' or 'Akabane' or 'Bakabane'! Why? Do you hate me that much? So much that you can't even add a 'kun' whenever you call me? Tell me! I'm so frustrated (Y/N)!" He suddenly outbursted.

"No! It's just that you feel so far away that if I call you a cute nickname you would think of me as a stupid woman! Because you're so distant and I always think that only Okuda can call you by cute nicknames!" I exploded too. Does he think he's the only one frustrated here?!

"What?! Am I really that distant?"

"Hell yeah! So distant that I feel like I don't exist in your world!"

"Y-you do! You do exist in my world! Because heck, you ARE my world!"


"Yes! It's true!"

"B-but I thought you like Okuda.."

"Okuda? No! I was just asking her if she can make a love potion so I can make you drink it and you'll fall in love with me. Also, she's Isogai's girlfriend!"

"I-I see... Well, this is really embarrasing so please don't tease me after this.. I-I.. I Love You Karma-kun!" Then I turned as red as his hair after saying that.

"For real?!" He confirmed.

"Y-yeah.." I said while looking away...

"God!" He exclaimed while lifting and spinning me into the air.

"How I waited for you to say that! I Love You! I love you! I love you!" He said then kissed me.

"I-I love you too.." I replied then this time, I kissed him.


End! Sorry if that suck. Like how that bitch in my school sucked her older brother's wiggly two-inch dick.

Anyways! Sorry if Karma was waaaaayy too out of character here. And I wrote this like... 3am? So I'm really sleepy and wrote stupid things.

Word Count💕: 1062.

Assassination Classroom One Shots [DISCONTINUED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang